Chpt. 3: Bathtub, We Meet Again

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The next morning, Percy woke up with a massive headache. Glancing around the room, he found that he was alone. Sitting up very slowly, a hand to his face, he groaned out a curse. 

Then a nasty feeling washed over him quickly as he sat up. His eyes widened, he stumbled out of bed and ran to the bathroom connected to their room. Quickly opening the toilet lid, he felt whatever he had consumed coming up. 

After his stomach had emptied itself in the toilet bowl, he flushed it, brushing his teeth, running a hand through his hair. He looked sick, he noted as he looked at himself in the mirror. He felt sick too. 

Stripping himself of his clothes, he moved to the bath, pushing the bath curtains aside, stepping into the bath and sitting down. Naked and cold, he pulled his legs to his chest, shaking slightly. Why...why did I think it'd be smart to be 'rebellious'? Ugh...I'm never drinking again. 

Vaguely, he was aware of the door to their apartment shutting loudly. Heavy footsteps were soon followed. At first, he thought it was Evan, but he decided that it wasn't; Evan wasn't that loud when coming in. 

"Percy? You in here?" Derek's voice rang out. 

Percy sighed, "In here." 

Derek poked his head in the bathroom, then walked in. 

"You okay?" he asked cautiously. "You look a tad cold." 

"'M not." 

"Huh." Derek poked his arm for good measure. "You're a fricken ice cube. Let's get you in some warm clothes or at least take a warm bath. Which one do you want?" 

"I don't care..." 

Derek huffed, nodding. "Since you're already in the tub...Bath it is." So he ran some warm water, then poured some bath bubbles in the water. "Are ya gonna wash yourself?" 

Getting no response from the other, he rolled his eyes. 

"Fine. Ya lazy arse." Derek then took over bath duty like it was a habit, not making a comment about how Percy underwent the quietness. 

After washing him entirely, he helped Percy out of the bath. Wrapping him in a towel, he pulled him to his chest, hugging him as Percy's tears fell down his face. Percy clung to his chest, Derek wrapping his arms around him. 

Kissing his forehead, he whispered reassurances to him. 

He pulled on a robe, tying it around his waist. 

Percy and Derek walked out of the room, going to his room. "Perce," Derek started, "don't do this to yourself. He's not worth it, alright? Honey...Just because he hurt you doesn't mean that you need to intentionally hurt yourself."

Percy was sitting on his bed, knees pulled to his chest, blanket over him. Derek wrapped his arms around him, frowning. "I'm not over him. And I can't help it." 

"Babe, you're gonna get over him. It'll take time, sure. But you'll do it. Everyone deals with break-ups. And you know what? We'll do it together. You're gonna get through this." 

Percy nodded tiredly into his chest. "Thanks Der." 

"No problem." 

"You have a headache?" 


"I'll get you an advil." He went and got the pill with a cup of water. He handed them to Percy, smiling softly as he took the medication to help with his headache. "Wanna watch something on TV?" 


Derek turned on the TV, laying back against the wall, a pillow propping him up. Percy cuddled into him, head on his chest. Derek held him to his chest, smiling softly at him. After a while, he noted that Percy had drifted asleep. Turning off the TV, he closed his eyes, and began to fall asleep, the ravenette cuddling him. 

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