Chpt. 6: Candy Canes & Socks

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(This was written in December....just so you guys know...)

Percy grinned as Xavier and him walked down the aisle in the market, buying some Christmas things. Like Candy Canes, cookies, gingerbread and some other things. 

Percy loved shopping with Xavier, he decided, it was really fun. 

On the way back, they made numerous jokes and made each other laugh. 

As it was December 22nd, they had their Christmas tree up. But Percy insisted on decorating Xavier's old room with decorations that were old or were not used on the tree. So Xavier and Percy spent a few hours on that, hanging the lights in his room. 

Percy stood on Xavier's desk in order to hang it up in the very corner of the room. He started to fall, and Xavier quickly steadied him by putting his hands on his hips, helping him stay put. After the lights were hung, Percy grinned, hopping onto the floor. 

"Now what?" Xavier asked. Percy grinned, dancing around him. 

"Candy canes!" he exclaimed, hanging them on the strand of lights, in random places. Xavier walked out of the room for a moment to explain what it was that they were doing. Percy put on his long Christmas socks, in his black leggings, and had a candy cane in hand when Xavier entered the room. He aimed the candy cane at him as though it was a weapon. 

Xavier grinned, rolling his eyes as he pulled him into a tight hug, rocking them back and forth. Percy smiled, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Mistletoe," Xavier whispered, and they both looked up to see a Mistletoe that Xavier had placed hanging from the ceiling. 

So their lips met each other, colliding slowly as though they had all the time in the world. 

And it was fantastic. 


Sitting by Xavier when his family watched a Christmas movie, Percy grinned. It was interesting to see how other families operated. His phone, in his sweatpants, vibrated a few times. Taking it out, he glanced at it, then read the info again. 

"Everything alright?" Xavier whispered, glancing at Percy. 

Percy frowned, reading the texts. They were from Rachel. He hadn't heard from her in ages--not since they graduated high school. "I think I need to go make a phone call." 

Xavier nodded, smiling softly as Percy walked into their bedroom, dialing her number. 

"Hey, you okay?" he asked, looking out the window. 

"Percy, I have something pretty important to tell you. I didn't know who else to turn to..." 

"Rach. You can tell me anything--you know that. What's up?" 

"I'm pregnant." 

Percy pursed his lips. "'Kay. How far a long are you?"

"A few weeks in." 

"M'kay...Urm...what doctor are you going to?" 

"The one I've been going to as a kid."

"Alright. Um, just a thought, but maybe look into going to a OBGYN. They might want to get you onto prenatal vitamins. Wait, Rach, do you plan on keeping it?" 

She was silent for a while. "I'm...not sure, Perce." 

Percy thought to himself for a while. "Does the father know?" 


"Okay...Well, the decision is your's. Do you want to dive into parenthood? People would help you, hell, I'd be the godmother, hopefully. But, seriously, don't think for a second that you'd be alone in the process of raising your child. And I understand if you don't want to keep it. That's a lot of responsibility..." 

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