Chpt 24: #RealDateAF

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Percy woke up the next morning confused. Then he saw it. Derek's jacket on the doorknob.

Derek came here anyways?

Percy got out of bed, finding the Avengers in the kitchen.

"Was Derek here last night?"

"Not that we know of-" Natasha started.

"Yeah, he was looking for you," Bruce replied.

"He tucked you in," Steve added, smiling.

"Did he stay the night?"

"Not sure."

"JARVIS, did Derek stay the night last night?" Tony asked.

"No, sir. He left at 1:09 a.m."

"That idiot," Percy hissed. "He could've gotten in a car accident that early in the morning, being sleep deprived and it being so dark-"

"Derek resides at location marked as NemoKid."

And Percy left quickly after hearing this.


Meanwhile, having been hard at work four a good hour and a half, Derek grinned at his work. After asking Josh and Andrew if it was okay to build a fort, he did so. And he was glad he did. Putting another blanket down, he smiled, biting his lip. 

It was perfect. 

The door to the building opened and Derek hurried out of the room. 

"Hey," Percy smiled softly. 


"So, um, you came after all?" he asked quietly, biting his lip. 

Derek nodded. "I thought...I thought that you were pretty upset and I didn't want to disappoint you." 

"Der, I should have known that you wouldn't intentionally do that. But I was too sensitive and didn't think about it. I'm sorry." 

"No, it's my fault-" 

"Der, shut up." 

And Percy grabbed his head, pulling him down to Percy's height as he brought their lips together. Derek smiled through the kiss, fingers intertwining with Percy's. 

Of course that's when Andrew walked by. "EW!" he shouted, running away. "I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!" 

Which shocked the two so much that they distanced themselves dramatically. 

"What happened?" Josh demanded, looking concerned and curious. 

"Ugh, I'm pretty sure there was some tongue there," Andrew pulled a disgusted expression. "Gross."

Josh raised an eyebrow, amused at his husband's antics. "It was just a kiss, stop being so dramatic." 

"Sorry," Andrew apologized to them as they stood there in silence, afraid of another outburst. "It's just not every day you see the kid you raised kiss another person like that. I need to go drink some bleach."

Josh blinked, following Andrew into the other room. 

"Put on a rubber if you decide to do anything!" Josh called out, going back to sitting on the couch, reading a magazine and cuddling his husband. 

Percy, flabbergasted, stood in silence. He blinked. 

Derek was equally as shocked by Josh. "Right...So um," he fumbled over words, trying to form a sentence, "this way, I guess." 

So they went into Percy's room. 

Percy gaped, in awe with Derek's work. "You did this?" 

Derek nodded, standing beside him. 

"I saw what you were working on at the tower...And I kinda wanted to replicate it here, since, ya know...that didn't work out last night." 

Percy smiled, blushing. "You're so sweet," he mumbled, looking up at Derek, who blushed, biting his lower lip. 

"Thanks." He said suddenly, "Well, um, let's lay down, I guess?" 

It was super awkward, but really cute. Percy and Derek laid down by each other, a laptop on one of the pillow piles so they could see the movie. It was Disney, go figure. 

Percy moved so his head was on Derek's shoulder as they watched the movies. 


Hearing the Disney movies play from Percy's room, Josh grinned as he poked his head in, snapping a picture of the two, who were both fast asleep, Percy half on top of Derek. Josh smiled, walking out of the room and returning to the living room, where Andrew was. He showed him the picture, grinning. 

He went into Instagram, adding the caption '#RealDateAF' , then posting it on the app. StarkBoi was the first to reply with an 'cute af, oml goals' . 

Tony Stark made that comment? Yep. He most certainly did. And he was proud of it. Because, as said, they were definitely goals. 

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