Chapter 12

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A.N: I think I'm obliged to tell you guys, the ending of this chapter is a bit mature (*Whisper-yells* They finally do it!)

Chapter 12


"What's that smell?" I heard Daphne say as I stepped into our room, freshly showered and stink free. I sniffed, and there it was the rotten smell Dragon Dung still lingering strong in the air.

"Maybe it's our shoes?" Pansy supplied inspecting her own thoroughly, but as both Daphne and I looked down and studied ours, we came up with confused expression, our shoes were clean.

"We all washed our hair right?" Daphne asked uncertainly, eying Pansy's dry hair. She rolled her eyes, nodding her head hurriedly as she got off her bed and sniffed again.

"Where's Millicent?"

"Showering." I answered, as I started walking to my bed. The smell getting stronger with every step.

"You know..." Pansy said her voice faltering as she came to stand beside me.

"It's coming from your bag." Daphne finished for her, standing on my other side as she gazed at my bag, lying on the floor near my bed. Where I had abandoned it the minute we came back for a quick shower

"What?" I exclaimed, striding towards it determinedly, but my steps slowed. The smell was definitely stronger than ever now. It was like we were back in the Greenhouse.

"Shit." I mumbled, lifting my bag up to see if any dung was on the surface, someone must've accidently dropped some. It wasn't uncommon. But my bag was at the back of the class, how did it-

"Open it." Daphne ordered her voice muffled by her hand covering her nose and mouth, coming to stand beside me. I hesitantly lifted the flap, looking up at the ceiling for a second before I opened it wider.

And sure enough, there it was, a good portion of Dragon dung nestled between my-

On my venom antidotes essay!

"What the fuck!" I shrieked, my hand going slack as the bag went sailing downwards. For the first time in my life, I had finished more than half of my essay on the first day itself and now this is what I get in return.

"Check if your texts are-"

"I removed them at lunch." I murmured, but as I saw closely, my Herbology text, also known as the only book in my bag was still relatively off the side and safe from the shit.

"How do you think-"

"Malfoy." I round out, cutting Pansy off instantly.

My face warmed and I'm sure if it was possible, steam wold have been coming out of my ears right now as I snatched up my bag, tossed the text out and hurried over to the bathroom.

"I know a few cleaning spells, I can take care of your bag in a jiffy!" Pansy gushed as I strode out of the bathroom a determined look on my face which I'm sure was red with anger by now.

I nodded at her curtly, "Thanks Pans." I said, grabbing my wand off the bedside table and storming off to the Common Room.

"Carina!" Daphne called behind me, running to catch up with me.

I turned to her sharply, "What?"

She paused her face looking at me with indecision before she sighed and said, "He's probably in the Great Hall for dinner-"

"Thanks." I said, turning back around and hurrying down the remaining steps. From the fast pattering of feet behind me, I know Daphne and Pansy weren't far behind.

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