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I walk outside and see the crowd of people gathered in front of the school. After about half an hour this empties out and the school looks like a ghost town.

I wait for Niall by the statue of the mascot, the sun burning my skin. I feel like I'm gonna turn to toast if I stand in this heat any longer.

A car stops in front of me and the windows being to roll down, Niall.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping"

"Isn't there a copyright for that?" I say fixing my bag.

"Well sue me then. Ya coming or not?" Niall takes off his sunglasses and stares me down.

I get in, the smell of his cologne is pretty strong in here. I can feel myself starting to suffocate from the aroma.

"Dude, you need to control your cologne habits"

"Would you like a sweaty, musty Niall walking around?"


"Then leave me and my cologne habits alone"

"I am going to die in this car before I lose my virginity"

"Don't worry I won't let that happen" Niall says with a grin on his face. I don't trust this kid with a car, why did I agree with this.

As we go through town, I think about Liam. We've been dating for a month and he has yet to take me out. Unless you count that one time he invited me over to his house and watched movies the entire day, but that's still not going out. He promised me romance and all I've gotten so far is a stuffed animal with a cute card for Christmas. If for my birthday—which is in 3 days—he doesn't do something special I'm gonna dump his ass right there and then. Well maybe not, that's too petty, even for me.

Wait, does he even know my birthday is coming up? Shit. I don't think I know his birthday either. Shit.

"Do you mind if I have the windows down?" Niall asks.

"Yes I do mind, the feeling of wind against my face irritates me"

"You are literally no fun"

"Well my bad that I'm not fun enough for you" I say looking out the window.

I keep counting the amount of dogs I see. Every time we're stopped. So far I've counted 10: 2 shibas, 3 corgis, 1 german shepherd, 1 siberian husky, 2 rottweilers, and 1 golden retriever.

I want a dog. I've been wanting a dog since I was a little kid but my parents never let me since "You can barely take care of yourself, how are you supposed to take care of a dog?" Like first of all, just because I can't take care of myself doesn't mean I'm not going to take care of a dog. Second of all, I'll take all the responsibility they won't even have to do anything. Except maybe drive to the vet when we need to.

We arrive at the mall and Niall dashes towards the food court.

"Niall wait!" I run after him, pushing people out of the way. I am going to kill this boy when I catch him.

I feel my phone vibrate and take it out my pocket, it's Liam.

"Hey babe"

"Hi Liam"

"Where are you?"

"Ya see, Niall kidnapped me and now we're at the mall and I don't know where he went"

"Oh...I wanted to take you out to eat some burgers"

I could hear the sad tone of his voice. Dammit.

"Yes we can still do that, just come pick me up"



"On my way"

He hangs up. Will this be our first date where we actually go out? The world may never know.

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