one hundred

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"How exactly should we end it?"

"I don't know, what do the people want?"

"I don't know... what do the people want?" I repeated.

Zayn and I looked at each other. We've got ourselves sort of a predicament. We started this like totally for jokes fan fiction about our lives around 2 years ago in our Sophomore year of college and it has grown too fucking out of hand. We've had people approach us asking if everything that happened is true, we even have our own fans (which I really hope people find a better hobby to do than follow along the lives of two miserable lovers), heck we even broke headlines in the local news.

It's just too fucking much.

"Come on Liam, over a million people have read this shit and now when they need us the most, we can't come up with anything?" Zayn says and starts to pace around the bedroom.

If you need a little refresher: Zayn and I decided to move in together around the same time we started Sophomore year of college and jokingly decided to "tell our story" because ya know, people do that a lot these days, mainly with videos and such, so we decided to stick to the "OG" story teller. Writing. So we wrote a "fan fiction" which really isn't a fiction, more of an "exploitative look at the behavioral impacts toxic love can have on the person and their environment." I decided to make this my little side project for my psychology major.

"Maybe we can do a time jump?" I suggest and Zayn looks at me with a glimmer of hope which instantly fades away.

"If we do a time jump how are we going to fill in that empty space in between? Is it gonna be that we break up and find other people or that we're old and domestic with our dog Choco? Like there has to be some sort of rule book to this." Zayn says, in sort of a panic tone.

"I guess our lives have caught up to us and there's no real way to finish this..." I say and that made Zayn stop and come sit back down on the bed with me.

"Fuck...This is gonna kill me"

"How about we just end with us being cute and whatever and do like a little epilogue at the end so the time jump could make sense just a little bit?"

"Okay, but how do we end it?"

I've had an idea on how to end our story but it seemed outrageous since we were 18 in this god forsaken book.


"We could say we got married?"

Zayn looks at me.

He's quiet.


"That can actually work. Liam you have just saved over a million people's lives today."

I smile.

"So you're saying we get married at 18?"

"I mean how far away is that from truth anyways?" I say and make a nod to the ring on Zayn's finger.

"You're right. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner"

"Because ending a story with a cliche wedding is basically expected but it can be so good depending on how all loose ends are tied together"

"Yeah... I just hope we're able to pull it off" Zayn says with a worried look on his face.

I pull him in for a hug and a kiss on his head.

"Don't worry Zee, everything is gonna be okay in the end"

pure fiction // ziamWhere stories live. Discover now