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"That was a fucking rush" I said fixing my hair. I can still feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins and my heart beating a mile per minute. The feeling of the wind against my face, that incredible rush of excitement when Rosco picked up speed... I want to relive it over and over again.

"I knew you would enjoy it" Liam says getting off Stella. He walked over to me and put out a hand, helping me get down from Rosco.

"I can cross that off my bucket list" I say with a smile on my face.

"Well your day is far from over and we still have about 2 hours and plenty of things to do before we head back home" Liam said as he took my arm and dragged me with him back to the car.

"Where are we going now?"

"It's a surprise you dummy"

"Dammit Liam, you're lucky I actually like you or else I would have gone off on you. Like you can't just do that to me, I don't like surprises that much. Sets expectations way too high or too low" I said taking a deep breath in, this is my little rant of the day—can't go a day without ranting about something—and I need to breathe. "But with you...I don't feel like putting the expectations so low, because I know you're amazing and you'll always find a way to make me smile. And I love that about you, wanting to always make people smile"

"Zayn I'm fucking driving right now and I'm about to cry" Liam said sniffing. I could see a tear drop from his cheek.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you"

"You didn't...hurt me" Liam took a pause and made a right turn, "You just made me feel special like, you made feel something that I haven't felt in a while"

"And what is that?"


I felt my heart burst with a happiness that can't be explain properly. It makes me happy that I'm making him happy, that's all I want, for Liam to be happy and for me to be a reason for that happiness.

• • • • •

We arrive at our second destination.

"Why are we here?" I ask, the feeling of anger taking over my body.

"I thought you would like to talk to her?"

Liam has such good intentions, but this, this is something I don't want to do right now. Talking to my mother after what she put my father through. I can't look at her in the face. Yeah it's been 8 years, but I can't bring myself to do it and trust me, I've tried coming here before in the past but every time I go to knock on that door, the memories just flood back and I can't do it. And what's the funny part? It all went down on my birthday.

"Let's go, I don't want to be here" I cross my arms, I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"Zayn you should talk to her, it's been 8 years now"

"First of all, it's my birthday and I want to spend it with the people I love, and she's not one of them right now. Second, what makes you think that I want to talk to her now?"

"Well exactly that, it's your birthday Zayn... don't you want to spend it with your mother?"



"I said no Liam" I stare out the window, "Take me home"


Liam started the car and pulled out my mother's driveway. I could feel myself ease up a bit but I can still feel the anger running through my veins. I know Liam wanted this to turn out okay—and I'm glad that he cares that much—but I just couldn't do it. Not right now at least.

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