friday // pt. 2

331 13 1

Friday, May 25, 2018 // 4:27pm
Harry & Louis

I look at the clock. 4:25. Where the hell is this man? We made an appointment so I can suck him off and he's going to show up late? I know we agreed on after four, but like, it's way after four and I'm starting to lose my patience. But it has also given me time to practice the role play. I'll obviously be playing the student and Louis will be playing the teacher, it just makes sense that way.

We've been holding off on sex for a couple days to build up to today and it's honestly been killing me. You know what it is, going THREE days without dick? I mean it's like being in a desert without water.

I hear a knock on the door and see a familiar figure on the window pane. I get up to open it and find Louis, dressed up for the occasion.

I take a good look at him, taking in the beauty that's in front of me and taking notice of how nicely the clothes fit him in the right places.

He clears his throat, "Mr. Styles, thank you for joining me today, I was really expecting this meeting to occur."

"Of course Mr. Tomlinson, anything for you" I responded and he grinned.

He steps inside and closes the door behind him, locking it.

"Now, let's talk about why I actually arranged this meeting." He says as he tugs on the tie on my shirt.

•  •  •  •

"I've never thought I would like this teacher and student roleplay as much as I did" Louis said as he licks the last bit of cum off me.

"Hmm I think I had more fun riding you babe" I said and kissed him on the lips.

My phone's screen flashes and I see that it's Gigi calling.

"Harry finally!"


"I've been calling you for like half an hour!"

"I was busy?"

"Well... are you done?"

"Yeah I am now"

"Okay great! So, tell Louis that you two are meeting me and a friend at Starbucks at around six-ish"

"Um... okay?"


Gigi hangs up before I could say anything else. I put my phone down and turn around to see Louis already finished putting on his clothes.

"So Gigi just invited us to Starbucks so we could meet a friend of hers and we kind of can't say no?" I said and Louis looks back at me with the same confused face I have.

"Who is it exactly?"

"All she told me is that's it's a friend. She hung up before I could actually ask anymore questions." I said and started to put my clothes back on.

"Cool we're meeting a potential serial killer" Louis said and smiled.

"Can't wait to get murdered"

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