fifty six

366 19 3

Last friday night....

The rain had stopped and the football game was in full swing. We are winning 37-13. Our side of the bleachers is as rowdy as an actual professional football game and I couldn't be more annoyed by it. It was the last game of the season so of course the entire school just had to show up. All you hear are the roaring cheers from the bleachers, leaving it impossible to hear your own thoughts.


I look around to see who called my name and I spot Gigi with Louis and Harry. I wave my hand and the group starts to walk up the bleachers. They might have missed literally almost the entire game but it's okay, I got some time for myself.

"Sorry we are late, these two decided it was okay to have sex right when I was about to pick them up" Gigi said.

I looked at Louis and Harry who only shrugged like saying 'Hey what can we do?'

"You two need to control your urges" I said sarcastically.

"People have needs, and needs to be satisfied" Harry says, defending his actions.

"Funny" I responded.

We watch the rest of the football game and our school manages to win. The entirety of the football team goes into a frenzy as does the rest of the school as everyone crowds the field in celebration of ours first finals win in 10 years.

Naturally, as wins go, a party was organized. We all head to the quarterback's house, whose name I can't remember but I can tell you exactly who he is by his ass.

• • • •

"This is going to be great!" I heard Harry shout over the music.

I'm not saying that this is my first high school party but it's my first high school party, and the motive behind it is beyond of my normal. There are people literally everywhere you can think of, there's no room to even breathe without taking in the smell of sweat and alcohol. Is it always this crazy?

It took me a second to realize that everyone had gone their separate ways and I was left alone standing here, clueless on what to do. So I head to the kitchen to find something to munch on and to my surprise Gigi was there, sitting at the table by the window.

"Wow you surely get around" I said, interrupting her little make out session with her boyfriend-who-is-not-really-her-boyfriend-but-still-calls-him-one.

"It's not getting around if it's just one person. Plus, I'm im charge in this relationship, right baby?" She responded and her buddy nodded in between moans and kisses.

"Well if you need me, I'll be lost somewhere. This house is huge" I said and get a thumbs up from Gigi before she goes back to shoving her tongue down the guy's throat.

I look around the kitchen to see if anything is actually worth eating, but it's just your usual party snacks and that's not going to satisfy my appetite. I felt some girl bump into me.

"Sorry" She says and stops for a second, "You're staring at the bowl of chips like you don't know how to eat them"

"I-Uh..." The words were not able to come out of my mouth.

"Here, let's go to where the real fun is at" She says and grabs my wrists, dragging me to this table on the other side of the kitchen. It was filled with countless bottles of liquor, all different shapes and sizes and I couldn't tell if it was even legal to own this many bottles of alcohol.

"So are you a beer guy?"

I shake my head no.

"Good, because we don't have any" She smiles and starts to look through the table. She puts three bottles in front of me, "You have whiskey, vodka and tequila. Choose your poison"

I, clearly not knowing what to do, chose vodka. In my head I can hear myself screaming that this is a bad idea but I decide not to listen to myself. I gotta let loose, live a little, drink a little. This is the perfect opportunity to know what I have to do for when I'm older.

The girl comes back with a jug of fruit punch.

"I discovered this amazing mix earlier this year and I'm never letting go of it" She says pouring the juice, "The thickness and sweetness of the juice is what makes it perfect for mixing drinks" and she continues to grab the bottle of vodka and begins to pour. And pour. Up until the drink reaches almost the top.

"Isn't that a little too much?" I ask, timidly taking the drink.

"Trust me, this is nothing compared to drinking straight from the bottle. Just make sure you take sips in three or five minute intervals if you don't want to get trashed earlier than expected. In fact let's start right now, chug a little and see how you like it"

"Um... I..."

"Trust me, it tastes great" She smiled and I smiled back but nervously.

I look down at the drink in my hand and the smell of the vodka has taken me to another place. It smells so strong and disgusting. How can anyone drink this? But I shove the thought to the back of my
mind and take a long sip from the cup. Almost leaving it at a halfway.

I could feel the alcohol burning through me from my throat all the way down to mu stomach. It feels like I'm gonna burn from the inside out. But fuck, it does taste really good.

"Wow, you drank it as if it was nothing"

"I just distracted myself from the smell"

"Well I have taught you everything that you need to know, you have graduated my fellow student. Now go make yourself useful out there" The girl says and she disappears into the crowd.

I could still feel the drink burning inside me so I walk around a little to distract myself from the feeling. The party seems crazy. Or maybe I'm starting to get impaired in my thoughts already. Who knows.

All I know is that I'm going upstairs to sit down for a little.

• • • •
hauahah to be continued.... (making you wait longer for the reveal)

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