Chapter One

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"It's raining,"

    (Y/N) mumbles as she walks out from class.This July seems to raining a lot from last year,you been thinking.Let yourself lost in your own thoughts while walking out from university.You did not have so much friends.To you,you have been in this introvert act since as long as you remember.Been born in CCG's Special class investigator family has much built up the most character in yourself but nor killing anyone that did not mean harm to you just do not feel right in your heart.That is the main reason you just stormed out and quit in CCG training even thought you manage to get an early pass for CCG's student recruitment.Few months aces in both physical combats and on paper will surely make you parent,mostly father proud.Parent of Special rank investigator and a special student like you to follow their parents footstep just every parent's dream,but it is not (Y/N) dreams.Now days you feel better in retake exams like all the teenagers in your age and study what they want,instead stand a chances to be a CCG investigator at age 17 or 18,but that is like a year an half ago,now you are 19.

   "A cup of coffee will make it," you mumble to yourself after a while thinking where to head.Studying a medical field is something you feel right,instead of killing people even they were ghouls.A human that eats other human as main basis food.It all ticked down on you when you first time in filed,attached to another CCG investigator when you have to kill a middle aged guy,seems to protect his family.But since he is a ghoul and kills people,you have to get rid of him.You do remember before he dies,he glimpsed back to see his small family photo.He is expecting a baby,and you just help to kill a soon to be father.(Y/N) malfunction for months and that triggers to leave CCG.You still posseses you mother's Quinque that she left for you after she died in a mission,a light katana type but need a good power control on it.You just just this Quinque to protect yourself from self wandering ghouls that try to make you in their meal list,or other people you found needed for help.

  (Y/N) put her headphone on and start to google a good cafe with a good coffee.Suddenly remember that your newly made friend Kaneki work in one of the cafe in 20th ward.Since you still need his opinion on what book he should suggested to you,you planning to visit him.Putting your song in full blast,is the way you enjoying yourself from this twisted world,while heading there.

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