Chapter Thirty-Four

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         You really happy did manage to eat your meat even you surely know it was blue rare done.Funny how you dislike it but it taste so better than you thought.The image of well done meat is the thing make you feel disguist now.You glance in fornt of you,you saw him just staring at you than touching his food.You look back at him,searching his eyes while still cutting your meat in your plate.He let out a soft chuckle when he sees you eating,feeling annoyed you stop to eat.
      "Why (Y/N)?Does the food taste no good to you?",he asking with a worried face.Pretend to be offended and sulking,you just stare at him and it make him more worry about you.Breaking the silence,"You rather staring at me than touching you food,Tsukiyama-san.So I'm doing the same to you.",while politely you put your fork and knife beside your plate.
        He just smile softly and chuckle,"Mi amore,you so cute!Okay,I will eat but your face too hard for me to resist.".You just smile shyly as he pampered you with all the compliments.You feel fluttered in first time in your life after all these years.You just wait for him to pick up his fork and knife then you start to do the same.Mesmerize with how good looking and the new side of him,you try to enjoy this moments even deep down you know this is not more than just a dream.A dream that makr you feel less lonely,less miserable.Those fluffy thoughts completely gone when you accidently saw something in your plate,like a toes.You try to ignore the thoughts that you enjoyed human flesh in your plate now but curiosity makes you shuffle the big part of the meat.You almost vomit when you see,its an actual human toe hidden under your meat.You gag and cover your mouth,feeling horrid with the thoughts earlier that you enjoy the human flesh.An actual human flesh and you liked it.You feel the enviroment around you spinning,everything seems to mock you.Close your eyes tightly feel afraid with what happen to you,you scream the top of your lungs.

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