Chapter Two

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     You spelled out the words of the cafe."It is the only cafe that in 20th ward,so i guess this is it,".Again,you talking to yourself while walking up to the cafe.Mesmerize by the cafe's interior,you pick a seat near the window.While eyeing around for Kaneki,and also toward the menu in same time you order a latte to satisfy your coffee craving.

    While your eye scanning around,you saw a familiar figure,"Kaneki Ken!".Kaneki smiled when he saw (Y/N),walk to her while she cringes smilling like a high schooler fan girls.He give the warmest sincere smile for this evening raining days,and (Y/N) take her bag to give him empty chair to seat.Kaneki understand her intention,sigh "I cannot,I still on clock working,(Y/N)".(Y/N) chuckles,to be truth looks cute even she rarely smiles."No wonder you in this outfit.Look handsome than usual," she continue to chuckle.(Y/N) take out a book from her sling bag,and put on the table,"Nah.I have finish this one.Its a good book,Kaneki.Would you suggest another like this to me?".Kaneki seems shocked she manage to finish not even a week,and suddenly Touka delievers your order.She smile at you but when to Ken,she just give this cold stare which is a sign as "GET BACK TO WORK!".(Y/N) understand this signal,"Can I borrow,Ken for while?If you dont mind,I promised to not be long.It is regarding book interest.Please.",you begging.Touka give her permission and Kaneki seem to be less stressed out after that.After few chat,Kaneki promised he will give another interesting storybook like previous one in few more days.(Y/N) did not want to hold Kaneki too long due to he is still working let him resume his work,while you quitely enjoy your latte.

   The bell at the door rings that make (Y/N) come back to reality."My,my.What an aroma,I feel...relaxed,".That gentle voice just caught up your attention.Purple haired gentleman,well comb,tall,well mannered and bright red suit,"Looks expensive,".You mumble to yourself after fascinate with this guy eccentric appearance.You jaw almost drop when he again open his mouth,"It's been a while,Kirishima-san.".Touka seems to know him as she reply "What does you want" to his greetings.Non of your business,you stare your almost finish latte's cup and try to ignore even this guy appearance does get your interest.You do like to study people,and sometimes you will stare at them too long trying to figure them out.Lack of social skills always make you less friendly or easy to label,a freak.You do sense he took interest on Kaneki after he mention about Kaneki.You just keep silence try to seem unnoticed for anyone and wonder if everyday Kaneki encounter this kind of people as his customer everyday.

    You flipped (Y/h/c) bangs,collecting you things and ready to get out from Anteiku when you catch glimpse of this guy,smelling Kaneki.You let out small laugh and sigh afterwards,smile to Kaneki,giving him a "goodluck"look.Taking out notes from your wallet,this guy suddenly from intrested in Kaneki change his interest towards you."I cannot let this fine kind of lady to pay on her drinks,do I?" his hand block you from passing the notes to Touka.Your body sudden could not move since you did not expected this eccentric guy to show interest on you.You can feel hot flush forming your cheeks and ears.Your ears feels so hot than your cheeks after he finished his sentences,"It will be rude,if I allowed you paying,Belle dame,".Clearing saliva that seems stuck in your throat,you sling  your bag,give him the nicest smile and left few notes of money on the counter look at him in the eye,"I can pay my own self,thank you,Mister.The change is for the tips.Text me when you want to pass me the book,Ken!".Then you head toward the exits,thinking how nice your latte tasted just now.

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