Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tsukiyama Shuu POV

      Sitting on the chair at the corner of the room while staring at unconcious body lying on the bed with multiple wires attach to her and a loud beeping monitor to monitor her vitals shown she still alive.I just manage to bring her on time,yet her pancrease and her liver damaged badly,not to mention a massive blood loss.I glance down to the opening book at my lap.
      "Do anything for her,I will pay!I will sign the consent for her.Save her,anything!".My memory take me back to the time I pledge the doctor to save her by any cost I will take responsiblities,even she will not be as she was before after this.I am too concern for this human,I wonder why.I wonder why my will to save her much more stronger than to eat her that late evening.I rather see her chest rising up breathing than lay cold flat.She is not my family or the person I know,this twisted feeling mixed and left me numb without knowing why.At last I pick a side with my ego,sticking up that I do this to devour her more when she starting to trust me.I will enjoy her flesh not by physically only but emotionally flavoured also.
      Deep inside of you,you just resist whatever other feeling telling yourself,how much you care,how much you like her to call your name again,how you feel like to hold her,how you yearning her.You will have her,you will make sure you will get a taste of those lips of hers.Lust,matches up with your ego make you deny every other reason else on (Y/N).
      Somebody coming in,breaking me out from my daydreams."Master Shuu,",I just lazily look at this person,"Kanea.".I take my coat and my book,close the hospital window since it become more windy,walk nearer to (Y/N).I can see all her wounds healing except a 6 inch scar at her upper abdomen.I touch her cold bare shoulder,pulling up the blanket to covering her bare shoulder.I cupped and caress her cheek.I know Kanea is staring at her,I just smirk and ignoring Kanae.As I caress (Y/N)'s cheek with my thumb,I bend closer to her ears whispering,"***Je te verrai bientôt, mon cher.".

***I will see you soon,my dear

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