Chapter Twenty-Nine

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    You wipe your mouth as you finish throwing up almost all your guts.You stare inside the toilet bowl as it start to flush,what your doctor said just now keep on echoing inside your mind.
   "(Y/N),your recovery seems great.Nothing wrong with you,but I assume you keep on feeling nausea is just because your body want to adjust with new organ transplant that you have receive.I will prescribe with a better medicine to prevent the nausea,maybe this will help.",he explain to you calmly.You still staring at him,try to sink in his words in your worried raging heart.As you know this middle age guy is not the doctor that perform surgery on you,the surgeon is not here in the hospital anymore so this gentleman keep on the follow ups on you.He smile to you maybe can sense your concern,"How bout you try one,the nausea medicine?Maybe when you reach home you can rest after that,(Y/N).",he took a mineral bottle from the small fridge next to his desk and handed to you,along with a white small round pills.You seem to be numb and dumbfounded just accept the pills,and hope the vulgar vision you just snap this doctor arm out from his body will just disappear from your head after this.
   Nod your head,and popped the pills inside your mouth.Hoping everything will be normal again.No more this weird feelings,no more all this twisted erotic hunger,no more twisting imagination and most important,you want to get ride of this feelings of you probably not a human anymore.

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