Chapter Twenty-Two

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As you watch your enemies fall on the ground,bleeding to death one by one,you just manage to crack a weak smirk as you see who is standing in front of you pretend to be your saviour.He wipe his hand with his handkerchief carefully try not leaving any blood stains."Somehow I feel like you've been stalking me almost everywhere I go,Tsukiyama Shuu.",you just give him a weak smirk.He adjusting his sleeves and just glancing at you with his back still facing you,his kagune disappear slowly.
"Miss (Y/N),is this how you thanking your saviour?I am hurt,",he pretending to feel offended with your words earlier while you press harder on your wound that seems will bleed you to death if this ghoul will never eat you."We all know,you will eat me somehow.I have no strength to even standing up,so I guess I am easy prey for you now,Tsukiyama-san.",you take a deep breath which is so hard for you now,every breath you inhale seems to get lesser and lesser in your lungs."I dont mind dying,at least I know I'm dying in whose hands.",you do have to admit,you sound giving up and pathetic in same time but what do options you do have now?Your kind calculating if there is any options left,to be truth NON.Either you bleed to death,and still die or you end up as a meal for him.
You can feel your eyes getting heavier plus you can feel your eyes start to be teary,you try to smile at him can feel he touching your bloody hands pressing your wound.
"Go on,I'm okay with it.Make,it painless,Tsukiyama..Shuu...Please..".Tears running down your cheek as you tried to smile but then,you close your eyes,you wanted to sleep."Thats it,(Y/N).",you comfort yourself.

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