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'PRINCESS HIKARII ' , the audience is screaming my name.My concert is starting and the auditorium is bursting with cheers.
"Hey everyone ,sorry for keep you waiting. Are you ready to roll?" I say.
           (Play the video above )
                After the concert
"Phew I'm tired",I say to  myself.  There's a knock in the door."Miss Hikari your car is ready",says a staff member."Ok I'm coming."
                         At home
"No ones home huh. They should be back soon.I'll cook dinner in the meantime".

While I'm cooking dinner,  "Princess we're home",I hear Kyohei saying .

 "Welcome home",I say from the kitchen.

"Something smells nice",Nagito says poking his head in the kitchen."Yay princess is cooking for us.Let me have a taste." "No! Nagi Fresh up first." "Aww ok."

A few minutes later, "Dinner's ready."Everyone comes to the table . "Thank you for the food ",everyone says.

After dinner we are all resting in the living room.I am wearing my black framed glasses and reading a book.Kyohei is there playing with little Yamada.Iori is also reading a book.Kota is playing video games. Nagito is designing clothes. Takashi is listening music . Ryo is writing lyrics.We are all having a peacefull time . Little did i know that this peace wont last for long.


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