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I went home after I finished my morning walk.I feel so depressed , so frustrated.The sky is cloudy and it's dark like my mood.

' Maybe it's gonna rain.'

I go to my room to take a cool shower. While I'm taking the shower,I'm suddenly remembered what happened today. If Ritsuto didn't come in time what could have happened.I'm a girl so I'm not strong enough to hold down a guy.Just thinking what could've happened gives me shiver.

'Im not strong enough to handle anything in my own.I can't get anything done without anyone's help. I..Maybe I am not qualified to stand beside Iori...'

I shake my head to ignore this thought.But after justifying these thoughts the tears won't stop.

"W-What's happening to me ?! I wasn't like this! I wasn't a crybaby ! I have to ..I have to harden up."

I rub my eyes.I dry myself and get dressed.I go to the dining room  and see Ichiya sitting in the chair reading newspaper.He noticed me and says,"Morning. "

"Morning..." I reply while sitting down on my chair.

"Congratulation on going to the final."


"But I didn't see you yesterday after you came back."

"I was tried so I just slept right away." I replied with my fake smile.

He doesn't look satisfied with my answers. Just then my coffee arrived along with his breakfast.I sip my coffee.After finishing my coffee I go to practise.

'I have to practise hard to win the tournament and prove it to everyone that I am worthy of being Iori 's sister!'

And starting from that time,I start practising.I trained straight from morning to evening.I got hurt a few times but that doesn't matter.I even skipped lunch.I was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily.I had just finished training for 8 hours continuously.

My feet hurts.My hand hurts.My whole body hurts!!

Finishing my training, I turn of the lights of the training room and go to my room for a shower.After changing into my pyjamas I go down to eat dinner.After that I just go to sleep and get ready for the big day.

The Next Day

After waking up in the morning , I ready my things for the competition . The competition is in the evening so I have some time left.I take some rest until the afternoon.

 When i go to the auditorium,I'm a little early there so I just go my room to get changed

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When i go to the auditorium,I'm a little early there so I just go my room to get changed.

After a while I hear a knock in my door when I'm doing my hair.

"Yes ?"

"Its us. Can we come in?"

Its Revance . I can't face them now.So I reply,

"Sorry guys but I'm getting ready."

"Oh ok then."

They left.Maybe I'm being cold towards them.After I get ready , it's time for the show to start.I watch in my room's TV to see the opening of today's competition.

"Its finally time for the final round of the world competition ! Today's the day we will get our new champion!! Let's see what the judges think about it !"The MC says.

"I'm looking forward to see who will be out new champion.I expect both the competitors to give it their  all."  (f/j) says.

"I'm excited to see what show the finalists will give us.I wish best of luck to both the finalists."Ota says.

And finally it is Mr.Ichinomiya's turn .
"It is a pleasure to say state that both the teams are the representative of Japan.If anyone of them wins , the whole Japan nation will win.So let them bring pride over their country."

A round of applause breaks out.And finally it is time for the final round.


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