Chapter 15

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"I know you all are vampires because I've dealt with them before however they were not so kind. So I've never really talked to anyone about this.. no one knows not even my dad. A few years back I lost a very close friend to one of your kind and it broke me.. it broke me so much I stopped eating and I couldn't sleep I looked dead. I felt dead. Her name was Abby and she was the sweetest girl you could ever meet but one night we were walking home after a party that we snuck out to and that's when he cornered us. He said his name was James and said we smelled delicious which obviously confused us.. that is until he attacked Abby. While he was sucking her blood she managed to yell at me to run. Finally after a few minuets of me going through shock I forgot about Abby and I ran all the way home and told my mom what happened of course I told her about the vampire however she didn't believe me. The next day the police found Abby's body exactly where James cornered us. Her parents said they didn't blame me for running away like Abby said but I could see it in their eyes that they did in fact blame me. After that I decided not to tell anyone else about the vampire instead I said a man came up to us and attacked Abby with some weapon. A year went by and I was progressively getting worse so eventually my mom and Phil made a decision to put me in a mental hospital to get the "help I needed." So that's how I knew what you were.. the vampire I met had red eyes though but none the less your beauty matched his." I finish signing to them and when I look up I see sadness and pity in their eyes. "Don't pity me! I don't need anymore pity.. I've had enough of it." I sign to them angrily. "Well that explains how you know about us however we now need to figure out why that nomad is after you." Carlisle tells me and I nod my head in agreement. "But that should be a discussion for another time.. perhaps tomorrow?" Again I nod my head in agreement. "Well I should really get going Charlie is probably wondering where I am." I sign and Carlisle nods in agreement. "I'll drive you home if you don't mind." He says and I smile slightly then nod my head telling him that I don't mind. Carlisle stands up and smiles then holds out his arm which almost causes me to giggle but of course I can't. I take his arm and we walk out to the garage and get into his car. As we drive back to my house we sit in comfortable silence and when we pull up at my house we say goodbye and I also thank him for the ride. Then we part ways and I find myself getting butterfly's in my stomach.. could I possibly be falling for Carlisle? I think to myself but quickly shake my head trying to clear the thoughts however it doesn't work. When I open the front door I walk into the kitchen only to see my dad sitting at the table looking mad.. uh oh I do believe I'm in deep shit.

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