Chapter Three. Nice House!

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We waked in, and everyone stared.

"Hey guys!" she hugged a bunch of people, and a bunch of girls recognized me, and Then, the rest of the boys walked in, and they all freaked.

"GUYS!" Beau yelled, they all looked at her, wow, she had a loud voice. "Leave 'em be, theyre just normal people." She said.

And with that, we were left alone.

I followed her around, and we stopped in the kitchen, and we migled. I met her brother JAck, and all her friends, and soon, it was about 11 pm.

"everyones gone, finally." Jo said.

"Yup, now, time for me to leave." Mekeltie said.

"Bye!" I said.

And Beau and her hugged, and then, she left with Jo and Grent.

"well, I think I should get a proper tour?" I laughed.

"Sure, I still havent seen it all." She laughed.

"I like how we became friends so fast." I said.


Bam, ouch. He friendzoned me. Lol. Just kidding.

"Yeah." I laughed.

We walked around, until he opened a door, and there was a indoor hottub.

My mouth dropped open, and I screamed.

"Well, this is a house I will stay in forever.." I laughed.

We kepton walking, when he got a call from Nash.

"Hello?" he asked. "..Uh, sure..Ill ask her. Ok, bye." He hung up.

"whats up?" I asked.

"They want to come over, can they?" He asked.

"Whos 'they'?" I smiled.

"Uh, Nash, Hayes, Matt, Carter, Jack, Jack, Brent, Taylor, Shawn, Aaron, and the guys from O2l?" he smiled.

I dropped my mouth open.

"And Jenn and Andrea." he added.

"Jennxpenn and Andrea russet?" I said.

"Yeah, theyre all at m house, can they?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

We walked up, and he opned up the door, and they all came in.

I stood in the kitchen, and then, walked out, to see everyone on my couch. Good job buying a sectional..

"Hi guys..Uh, Im Beau, but call me Bee." mI said, my heart was going a million miles an hour. Ive been in LA for barely 24 hours!

"Is it just you here?" Carter asked.

"Yup. Just me!" i said, sitting next to Cameron.

"Wow, cool." Andrea said.

On the sectional, it went, Ricky, Trevor, Sam, Jack, Jack, Kian, Andrea, jenn,  Jc, Matt, Carter and Hayes, and on teh recliner, was Nash, and the floor, was Aaron, Shawn, Taylor and brent, and me and Cameron were on the little couch.

"Ive never had so many famous people in my house before!" i giggld.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Carter asked.

I shrugged, and Jenn raised her hand.

"Mega collab." She laughed.

Cameron ran to his house, and came back with his laptop, and a bunch of cameras, and lights, and they all set up.

He turned everything on, and we all sat down, so we were all in the view, and Cameron started.

"Hey Guys, its Cameron, and I have a bunch of people here, and were in a diffrent place today, and this, is the 2014 Mega collab. And There are the people im with." He took a deep breath. "Brent rivera, Matt Espinosa, NAsh and Hayes Grier, Carter Reynolds, Andrea Russet, Kian Lawly, Ricky Dillon, JennXPenn, Jc Caylen, Trevor Moran, Sam Pottorff, Taylor Caniff, Shawn MEndes, Aaron Caprpenter Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky, and Beau..." He said.

"Beau Aspen-Snow." I said, matter-o-factly.

"Beau Aspen-Snow." he said.

"Beau is out new neighbour." Nahs said, pulling me onto his lap.

I laughed.

And we are going to do a bunch of diffrent things. lets go!" Jenn said.

"Ok, Were doing a #AskMEgaCollab on Twitter, Beau, whats your twitter?" Cameron asked.

"@_WestCoastQueen." I said.

We got a bunch of tweets, and I got from 100 folloowers, to 100K. wow..

"Ok, #1, who has a crush on who?" Nash asked.

carter and Taylor hugged eachother, "Aawh bromance! I ship Tarter!' I screamed.

"I have a crush on my boyfriend!" Andrea screamed, and they hugged.

"#2, Who is Beau?" cameron asked.

"Me, right here. Im a friend of these people.." I pointed to myself, and to the rest of them.

"Why is BEau on Nash's lap? #BASH" Carter said.

I forgot i was even on his lap, and I laughed.

"Because the couch aint big enough for the all of us." i said in a country accent.

"Ok, now were going to put a #ShipIt out, now, go!" Jc said.

And we got a bunch in.

"I got #Kiandra, and #sevor." Trevor laughed. (Kian and Andrea, and Sam and Trevor) And Trevor and Sam hugged.

Sam got riKian 

ANd camerons suprised me, "#Bameron.." He said.

"Well, ok then." I said, "I got #Bash and #Heau." I smiled.

"I guess you got good on the Griers.." Ricky laughed.

We messed around some more, and we all ended up falling asleep, and ending the video, after a hour.

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