Chapter Nine and A Half. MagCon Dallas (3/5)

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I saw Beau and Nash running down the hall, and Beau trip. I looked away, and then looked back to find Beau and Nash kissing on the floor.

"BEAU?! NASH?!" I yelled.


I pushed him off, "NAsh I cant I have Camer-"

"BEAU?! NASH!?" Cameron yelled, makingus both look at him.

"Cameron, let me explain du-" Nash started, but he was interupted by Camerons fist.

"CAMERON!" I screamed.

"What?" He asked.

"Was that nessicary? It was only an accident." I said.

"No, it wasnt, neither was that. Were through." He spat, and walked away.

"You know what? One little kiss never hurt anyone, how do you think I fell when youre hugging all your fans, and kissing them on the cheek, and them kissing you? Whats the diffrence between this and that?" I angirly spat.

"One, those fans mean nothing to me, and two, Nash is my best friend!" He yelled.

"I dont have time to deal with you, go." I said, turning away.

I hear him huff, "Fine, dont come looking." He said.

I scoffed, and turned to Nash.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

I looked at his face, and he had a cut lip and a bruise on his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I didnt mean to.." He said. "It was an open shot, I realy am sorry.." He said.

I pulled him in to a hug, "Its ok, never again, alright?" I said.

"Got it." He smiled.

I helped him up, and we walked into my room. 

He sat on the counter in the bathroom, and turned to look in the mirror.

"He really has a punch, huh?" Nash laughed.

I smiled a bit. I grabbed the alcohol  and started rubbing his cut lip. The test of the bed but relaxed as it went on. I looked up at him and half smiled.

And then again his blue eyes were staring into mine, and I found my self inching closer to him.

"What about Cameron?" he asked.

"im single, remember?" I said.

he smirked, and learn in, and angrily attacked my lips. I moved my hands to the back of his neck, and pushed myself against him. his arms wrapped around my waist, and pulled me up, he closed the door with his foot, and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He didnt give my butterfly like Cameron did, but if he is going to treat me like that, I can do the same thing back. I could feel his hands going under my shirt, and then we heard the door open, the hotel door. we quick pulled away, and fixed ourselves,  and went back to cleaning hos lip, when the door opened. Cameron.

"Can I help you?" I asked, focusing on Nashs busted lip.

"Just needed to grab my things." he said.

he grabbed his things and walked out.

Nash looked to me,  and looked sorry.

"Maybe just friends.." I said.

"Yeah, its best for the both of us." he said.

I pulled him in for one last, sweet kiss, and smiled.

"This all never happend,  now go talk to Cameron." I said.

He nodded, and walked out.

I felt guilty for kissing Nash, but, I was single right?


Damn, what have I done?! I seriously lost something that meant alot to me,  but, she kissed Nash, but i kissed Michelle! I give up.

"Cameron, we need to talk." Nash walked in.

"About what? You kissed my girlfriend." I spat.

"And you kissed Michelle." he said.


I stayed silent.

"Ah, so you are tied between the two." he said.

"No, I realise now what happend." I said.

"And whats thAt?" he asked.

"I kissed Michelle, so she kissed you to get even. " I said.

"Thats a bunch of Bull shit!" Beau said,  walking in.


I stood by the door, waiting, when I heard the unthinkable.

" I kissed Michelle, so she kissed you to get even." Cameron said.

"Thats a bunch of Bull shit! " I yelled, barging through the door. "Nash came on to me."

"I did." he admitted.

"It was in the past, Cameron, just forget about everything we had. im done with you." I said, tears threatening to spill.

I walked out, and to my room. i grabbed all my things, and my keys, and walked out. I walked past Cameron's room, and he saw me, and his eyes grew wide.

"No, please.." he begged.

"Should if thought about that before you assumed shit." I said, jerking my suit case and walking to the elevator.

I pressed G, and the doors closed.

I got to the lobby, and checked out. I walked out to my truck, And Cameron called my name, running to the truck. I quick put my things in the truck, and threw my phone at him.

"Forget about me." I spat.


"Forget about me." She spat, and threw her phone at me.

This means she is deleting me from her life. No...

"Beau!" I yelled, and started running after her truck. no use.

I ran inside, and got Nash.

"She left, and I don't think she's coming back."  I said, throw in her phone at him.

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