Chapter Twenty-Four. Its been real boo.

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Its been a good solid four months of touring with the guys. we are just finishing up the tour, and then we get some time to ourselves, and family, and just to hand out at home. Mekeltie and Grent are having a baby boy,a nd she is 6 months pregnant. Cameron and me are really close friends, and me and Nash are stronger than ever. McCayla and Matt broke up, but go back together, and Taylor and Astrid are going strong too. Issabelle ended up falling for Shawn, and now, they are sort of dating, and Sarah and Carter are too. Jo is starting to like Dillon (Rupp) and we are trying to get them together. We are in the last tour stop, wich is Portland Oregon.

We all piled out of the van. Man I cant wait to get back to LA, so I can get these damn casts off, and get back to driving!

We all walked in, and got ready on stage. We set everythign up, and the fans started piling in.

"Hello Portland!" i screamed int othe mic.

Fans went crazy.

"Here is Shawn Mendes staring us off with a little somet'in somet'in." I said.

Fans went crazy, and we did all the normal things we would do at MagCon. Until something happened.

"Uhm, can I say something? Dillon asked.

"Fans went nuts-o.

"So, there is this girl, and her name is Jo, shes in the front row right there, and I would like her to come on up here!" He said.

She got up from the side rows behind the curtains, she was sitting nezxt to McCayla, Astrid, Mekel, Grent, Sarah and Issablle.

She had her hands over her mouth, and she was so red.

"So, I've known this chick a few months now, and we have gotten pretty close, and all your other friends are taken except you, so, maybe youd be mine?" He asked.

She nodded, and jumpedinto his arms. We all cheered. At the end, we didnt bother going to a hotel, we imidiantly left for home. 


I sat next to the window, with Nash on my other side, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know, I am excited.." He said.

"why?" i asked.

'Because we get to get your casts off, and you can drive and surf again.." He smiled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited.." I smiled.

"So, I have a question for you when we get back home, ok?" HE asked.

"Ok.." I smiled.

I wonder what it could be..

a/n so, this isnt the end of the chapter, but just a pause, so, I kinda know where I'm going with this now, but I am going to end it at about 35-40 chapters, and then do a Sequel. And I hope you guys are enjoying this, so now, back to the story! 


P.s. they have now landed and are at home, next day though..



I woke up, adn scratched my head. I looked aover at the clock, and it read 10 am. My appointment was at 11:30, so I texted Nash saying to wake up and come get me. My truck wont be ere until later tonight, becasue of stupid Portlands shipping shit. Oh well, I get to walk on my own now!

I didnt bother showering, since I did last night, and I went over to my closet, and pulled out a pair of sweat pants, and a hoodie. I can not wait until I get the casts off, and can fit my shorts over my cast! Not that I couldnt before, but I will look better.

I pulle dmy hair into a bun, and brushed my teeth, then appling some mascara with a thin strip of eyeliner, and walked out of my room, to find Nash standing there at the top of the steps waiting for me.

"Good morning, ready to finally not have to break your back carrying me up and down stairs?" I joked.

"Yes, finally!" He said.

I laughed, and we got into his car, and drove off.


They grabbed the cast cutters, and started with my arm first. i watched them the whole time, adn it felt nice to finally have my arm free. I high fived Nash with that hand, and they went onto my leg.

When they cut it, my leg looked so pale compared to the toher one!

"Oh my god!" Nash laughed.

"dont laugh!" I couldnt help but laugh too.

He took a picture of me, and I laughed.  He posted it to twitter. 

"Well, lets see how well you can walk on it." He said.

I stood up, and wadled a bit, but then I was fine.

"Ok, you'll need to wear this boot/brace for a few weeks, then use a wrap for another week, then only use the boot or wrap if it hurts worse. And if it does end up stinging or burning, then come back and see us." The doctor said. I placed the leg braceon, and ignored the boot, and Nash carried it for me. I could bend with the brace, and I was good. But I really needed to tan this leg!

We got into the car, and drove home.

There was a note on the door, saying, 

Hey guys! So we decided to go out for  the day! We went surfing,a nd tomorow we are going to the carnival down the street, come meet us at Malibou beahc if you want, well be back around 11 pm, see ya!

XXTHE guys nextdoor..

I snatched the note, and we walked inside. i went to the couch, and plopped down.

"Do you want to go to the beach?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm tired, and its getting colder out side, and the water will be a little cold.." He said.

"DUDE?! Its October, its only like, 80 degreesoutdide, were fine! big baby!" I laughed.

He shook his head.

"Whyyyy?" I whined.

"Because I want to be here with my beautiful girlfriend." He smiled.

"Well, I want to be with the beautiful waves!" i laughed.

"Well, I want to stay in the air conditioning.." HE said, sitting next to me.

"Well, i am tired, lets watch a movie." i suggested. 

I noticed he looked annoyed, but I ignored it. Whats up with him?

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