Chapter Seventeen. More than 'Just Friends'?

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One Week Later...

I woke up, and Nash was next to me, laying on the couch. I slowly sat up, and carefully walked to the kitchen to take my meds, memories from last night flooded into my head.


Me and Nash just got back from getting a few movies from RedBox, we got Grown Ups 2, Fast and Fourious 6, and Frozen. We stopped at Target and got some pop and candy. And drove back. When we got back, Nash put in Frozen, and sat next to me. As we were watching, he leaned over, and pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed back. Its been the same thing for about a week now, we kiss, and makeout, but it doesnt go past that.. And maybe I wanted to be his girlfriend, but he just doesnt want to.


I really want to ask her out, but I'm not sure she feels the same, she still talks about Cameron alot, but I dont want to ruin the relationship me and Cameron have, but, I am willing to risk it for Beau.

I pulled away, and looked at her.

"Beau.. I know that your still getting over cameron, but, maybe we could try?" I asked.

"Like, boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked, biting her lip..

"Yeah.." I said, grabbing her waist, pulling her closer.

"Yes, i would love to.." She said.


I smiled to my self, as I poured a cup of water, and took my meds. i felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, and I smiled, and turned around.

"Hi."I said.


we stared at each other and I started laughing.

"Whats so funny?" He started laughing with me.

" I dont know. its just, its crazy..Id never think IS be here in this spit, Nash Griers girlfriend. When are you goin to tell the world?" I winked.

"Now." He said. He picked up his phone, opened the camera app, and kissed my, as I heard a snap.

He snowed me the picture, and posted it to twitter.

@NashGrier: @_westCoastBitch my beautiful girlfriend pic.twitter/hsjr37284

I saw it and smiled, and we went to get ready for the day.


My phone beeped, showing I had a twitter notification. I clicked it and it was Nash.

@NashGrier: @_westCoastBitch, my beautiful girlfriend. pic.twitter/hsjr37284

I dreaded the picture. but I clicked it anyways.

when I opened the URL, it broke my heart. Nash and her kissing.

I locked my phone so I didnt have to look at it anymore, and started to cry, but I remembered what Carter said. And I went with it, maybe this was a sign that I needed to move on.

ABOUT 2-3 hours later****

I grabbed my phone, and texted Beau.

TO BEAU: Hi, Uhm, I saw you and Nash, I'm happy for you. :)

BEAU: wow..thx, uhm, soo..hows Atlanta?

TO BEAU: its nice, were all missin you nd Nash, when do you come out?

BEAU: We get to Orlando a day after you guys, so about two and a half weeks.

TO BEAU: oh, thats cool, cant wait to see you guys, is anyone else coming with?


FROM CAMERON: oh, thats cool, cant wait to see you guys, is anyone else coming with?

TO CAMERON: Uh, yeah, I think Jo, Mekeltie and Grent are tagging along, and maybe McCayla and Issabelle.

CAMERON: Oh, better tell Matt, he really likes McCayla.. haha

TO CAMERON: i know, we need to play match maker for those two, so any girls catch your eye while in atlanta???

CAMERON: Nah, not really.

TO CAMERON: Well, you'll find your princess one day, I promisexx

CAMERON: Thanks, well, I am tired, didnt go to sleep last night, nightxx:)

TO CAMERON: nightxx;)

I locked my phone, and looked at the time, it read 4 O'clock, just enough time.

I grabbed my crutches, and wlaked over to Nash's. When I walked in, he was no where to be found, so I walked up to his room. I walked in, and heard the shower running, so he must of been taking a shower.

I sat on his bed, and looked around his room. It reminded me of what I did in Camerons room. Walked in, sat down, and looked at his fan posters and such. I smiled at the memory. I really didnt know anymore. who I really did like. I mean, Cameron broke my heart, and he was part of the reason I was dead for a few hours, and then Nash, he was just... there. But I dont think I can trust Cameron anymore. And I didnt feel the sparks with him. And I felt the Zoo with Nash... Maybe it was time to move on. Wow, A month and a half in a new city can realy impact your life... I slowly found myself drifting off to sleep, and lightly snoring.

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