Chapter Fourteen, cant be..

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All I saw was whte, I opened my eyes, and started shaking. i couldnt stop, then a flashback of everything came, and I was in a blur, I could feel myself shaking, and seating, and it all just stopped, and I was gasping for air, I could feel them putting a mask on my face, and them shocking me, but it wasnt working, I could feel myself crying, and screaming, and I couldnt feel a thing anymore, I got col, and I felt my body freeze. 

And then, all I saw was white. No movement, no nothing, nothing at all, white, fadedinto black, and back to white, and the final color, black. I stopped, nothing, cold, black, and dead. 

I was dead.





I sat there, and Beaus mom got pushed out.

"What happened?" i asked.

"She is spazing, I dont know."She said.

We heard screaming. And more screaming, and it was Beaus screames.

I stopped, so did the boys, and after ten minuets, it died down, and there was nothing. Silence.

I sat there, staring at the door, and the doctor came out, looked at us, and said, "I did as much as I could." He said.

He turned around, and wote something on the door, on the paper attatched. And walked away.

Her mom walked up to it, and read it. i dreaded what she was reading.

Her mom fell to the floor, and started screaming and crying.

Nash walked up to the door, and readit, and turned to us with tears in his eyes.

"S-shes gone guys." He cried.


I walked over to the door, and read the paper.

BEAU VICTORIA ASPEN-SNOW (i forgot her middle name :0  )  
AGED: 18
BIRTHDATE: 7-12-1994
DATE OF DEATH: 7-17-14 8:34 pm

I turned around, and looked at the guys.

"Shes gone guys." i said.

I walked into the room, with Cameron trailing behind me.

I walked over to her lifeless body,a nd studied her.

She was broken and cut wide open, literally.

I placed my hand on her head, and she was ice cold.


Nothing, There was nothing.

Until I felt a warm wet hand touch my forehead. I wasnt dead. Comeon Beau wake up, you cant go.

"Im so sorry beau. Im so sorry."


I heard footsteps walking away, and another hand touch my heart, and my leg.

"Beau you have to wake up." 


"Beau, Im sorry for what I did, and I want you, I need you. You can never talk to me again, but please, Beau, just wake up, I need you in my life, Dont leave me." He creid.

I fel this lips against mine, ad tears on my cheeks.


I leaned in, and kissed her. I regret everything, every bad thing i have ever done to her. I heard the machiene beep a few times, and it was very slow, and Beaus lips move against mine one more time.

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