Chapter Twenty. We get to leave, but I don't want to anymore..

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"Well, Cameron got.." He started.

"Cameron got what? Please dont tell me that he got three cars like Taylor too.." I smiled.

He half smiled, and then frowned again.

"What did he get?" I asked. Looking into Nash's eyes.

"He got Michelle pregnant.." He let out a huge breath.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Yeah, he said not to tell you, but I couldnt keep that from you." He said.

I looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry?" He said.

"Nash, dont be sorry. Its fine, he made that mistake." I said, hugging him.

He nodded and hugged me back. 

"Ok, on a diffrent note, do you have another suitcase for your camera and stuff?" I laughed.

He nodded and we walked down stairs to get another.

****NEXT DAY****


I sat on the edge of the hotel bed, and stared at my fingers. What have I done?

"Cam, you coming to the airport?" Carter asked.

"Why?" I said.

"Because Nash and Beau will be here soon, they left LA around 10, after Beaus' appointment, and they should be here aruond 4ish." HE said.

"Uh, yeah, sure." i said, getting up.


(Earlier that day)

I woke up at 6, and didnt recognize where I was at first, but then I saw that I was at Nashs.

I rolled over, and shook Nash awake. 

"Come on, we have my appointment at 8." I said.

He nodded, and walked into the bathroom, when I heard the shower going, I walked over to my house, and hoppedinto the shower as well. I got out and took the plastic covers off my casts, and pulled on a pair of shorts, long enough to cover the scars on the tops of my thighs, and a tee a Nashty shirt.  I changed my mind about the shorts, and pulled on a pair of black sweats, that said "PRETTY" in white letters on the butt. I grabbed my electronics suitcase, and pulled on a white hoodie that said, "MAKE ME BISHH" on the front with black bold letters.

I pulle don a pair of white flipflops, and pulled my hair into a french braid, and tried to go down the stairs, but I couldnt with the cruthces and my suit case, so I placed my case on the side, and pulled my phone out of my pocket, and called Nash.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi, I need help, hurry." I gggled.

He laughed and said he was on his way. I placed my crutches on the side, and sat on the top of the steps, waiting.

I heard the door open and close, and Nashs' face peer around the corner. I gave him a big cheesy grin, and I heard a click, that sounded like the camera on his phone.

"Did you take a picture of me?" I asked.

"Yup!" He smirked.

He helped me up, and grabbed my suit case. And we walked out to the truck, after I locked the doors. And we started off to the doctors.

When we got there, they took out my stitches, and cleaned them up, and told me I was doing well. And after about 45 minutes of being in there, we were able to leave. We drove off to LAX, and waited until they called our plane. But before that, we talked to some one who was going to ship my truck out.

"Where is the destinatiopn?" She asked.

'Atlanta, Georgia." Nash said.

"Ok, it should be there in abotu 4 days." She said.

"Ok, thank you." We walked away.

"Flight 54B to Atlanta, Georgia." The overcom said.

We boarded the plane and started our way to Georgia.

On the ride, We slept the whole way. Well, I did, Beau was constantly checking her phone. I wonder why.

About a hour before the plane landed, I made sure Beau was alseep, and took her phone. HEr twitter notifacations were going wild. So, I opened it.

@GRIER_09: ew, you go from Cameron to Nash, whos next, MAtt? Taylor? nSlut.

@Matts_bae: How can you do this to Nash and Cameron, theyre besties, they shouldnt share girls. #whoreeo

I got off her twitter, and locked her phone back up, and went onto my phone.

@nashgrier: Ok, if you guys arent going to be nice to Beau, then youre not true fans, you dont know the story...

I tweeted it, and locked my phone, and went to sleep.


"Sir, we have landed, time to get off!" A lady said, tapping me and Beau on the shoulder.

I thanked her, and woke up Beau. We grabbed our carry ons, and went to the baggage claim. We got our bags, and I got a text from Carter.

CARTAH: we r here, meet us by the front, youll find us by the swarm of fans, Bart is coming 2 get yalls.

TO CARTAH: ok, we just left the baggage claim, B there soon.

We walked along, until I heard tons of screaming. I looked over at Beau and she looked miserable. She was leaning on her crutches, and she looked tired. Carter and Taylor saw us, and walked over to help us.

Bart grabbed both the electronic suit cases, and carter grabbed two, and Taylor grabbed two, and I had Beau on my back, and her crutched in my hand. And we managed to get to the van with out dying.

The drive to the hotel was quiet. We had Beau sleeping across me, Matt and Taylor, because the van wasnt big enough for all of us, and we had Cameron staring at her the whole way, and everyone else on their phones.

"Uh, so how was your flight?" Taylor asked, sensing the tension through me and Cameron.

"Uh, it was good, we slept the whole way.." I said.

"What was with the tweet?" Carter asked.

"Uh, fans were sending hate to Beau.." i said.

They all noded. We pulled up to the hotel, and they took our bags, and sent them up in a seperate elevator, and we all got into one, with Beau still sleeping on my back. We got to the room, and we were sharing one by ourselves, so just me and Beau. 

I walked over to the bed, and gently set her down, and tucked her in nicely. I walked over, and changed into some sweats, and went on my laptop, and edited a few new videos.

The Day He Called Me Beautiful.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt