Chapter Eleven MagCon (4/5) Dallas-LA

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"Can the boys come in now?" She asked, huffing.

"Yeah.." I said, barely audible.

I walked over to the door, and let the guys in.

"Are you doing ok?" They asked.

I walked over to the corner of the room, and sat, and went on my phone.

"Yeah, but I've been better.. I'm still in shock that my dad died today.. And then so did my truck." She said. She looked down at her hands.

The boys were talking to her, and I was on my phone. I recieved a message from Michelle.

M- Hey baby, you should come over..

I contempalted the thought,  Me and Beau werent together, so it wouldnt hurt either of us, right?

Me- Sure, be over in 30.


"So, when do you get out?" NAsh asked.

"Tomorow, they want to do some walking tests with the cruthes." I said.

I looked over, and saw cameron typing on his phone, thinking about something, then returning to type, and him standing up.

"Uh, I gottah go meet a old friend.." He said, walking out.

"Bye to you too.." I mumbled.

"Well, what should we do to pass the time?" Carter asked, leaning on the bed, resting his head on my stoamch. 

I swear, these boys have become like my brothers the last month and a half I've known them. I seriously love them to death.

"I dont know." I said, messing with the Pink cast on my arm.

"Can we sign your cast?" NAsh asked.

"Theres a sharpie over there." i pointed to the table across the room.

Hayes got up to grab it, and he signed first. He wrote Hayes was here :D, Next was Nash, and he wrote, Stay Nashty ya' little beotch ;), and then the rest of the boys wrote their names and little sayings or drawings, and pretty soon, NAsh, Carter, Hayes, Taylor and Matt all filled up my casts.


I walked out of the hospital, and decided on walking. I knew exactly where her apartment was, and walked to it. I rang the buizzer, and she let me in. I walked up to her floor, and knocked on the door. I could hear footsteps running to the door, and the door swung open.

"CAMERON?" Delany yelled. "Michelle, Camerons here!" She said, closing the door behind us.

Delany is Michelles older sister. 

"Finally decided to ditch that Beau girl, and come back for Michelle?" She winked.

What am I doing?

"Yeah, I know whats best for me.." I smiled.

Michelle came walking in, and she smirked when she saw me. I walked over to her, and started kissing her, the next thing I knew, Clothes were everywhere and my mind was spinning, thinking about one person, and one person only..


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