Chapter Twenty-One Atlanta, I love you, wait, whaat?

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I was woken up by somethig cold hitting my face. I shot up, and looked at the person infront of me. 

Beau and Carter.

"What the fuck man?" I asked, wiping my face of the shaving cream.

Beau was laying on the floor laughing. So was Carter.

"Oh, i'll get you both back, you wont know where, or when, or how, but I will." I said, walking to the bathroom.

After I washed my face, i walked back out, to see Carter and Beau setting up for a video.

"What are you guys gonna do?" I asked.

"Carter decided to do the tin can challenge with me, you can join if you want!" She smiled.


"Ok, 3, 2, 1.." I said. I moved my hand from the lens. "Whats up guys, its Snowy here, and today, I am with Carter reynolds, and Nash Grier. And me and Carter, went to the dollar store after Nash crashed on the bed, and we got a bunch of random tin cans, for the tin can Challange! Also, I have a vine up, where we smack cammed Nash. It was funny." I said. "so, lets get started. Here are the rules, We have all the cans labeled, and we dont know whats in what, and we have all the numbers in this cup, and so you draw a number, and what ever number is on th ecard, you have to eat a spoon full of that food in the can!" I finished, out of breath.

"Lets get started!" Nash said.

(I am just going to tell you who got what, not going into full detail here. lol, sorry not sorry..)

Nash: Cat food, canned bread, and green beans

Carter: MAshed potatoes with beef chunks, pears and tomato soup

Beau: Creamed corn, cream of celery soup, and peaches.

"Ok guys, thats it for this video, hope you all enjoyed it and if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up, and I will see you guys next time! BYEEE!" I said, Nash and carter said bye too. 

I grabbed the memory card from ym camera, and pulgged into my laptop, and got to editing it. Carter went to get food, and Nash stayed behind. He sat on the bed next to me and watched me edit. After I was done editing, I went onto YouTube and started uploading it. I tweeted out to twitter saying, 

Hey guys! Im uploading my new video with @nashgrier and @Mr_carterr so like and subscribe  and retweet this tweet with the url and #BeausNewVid and I will try to follow u:)

I followed and RT'd some tweets, and locked my phone, and looked over to my left, and saw Nash fast asleep. I got off the bed, and walked over to his side, and bent down my his ear.

"Nash.." I stretched out his name.

He smirked. 

"Nash..." i said again.

He smirked again, but rolled over. 

I huffed, and did what I had to do. I did a belly flop ontop of him, and he screamed, and I rolled off onto the floor laughing.

He sat up and helped me back onto the bed. I laughed and plopped down on the foot of the bed, so my feet were up by the edge of the pillows. Nash was just laughing at me the whole time.

"Well, maybe you shouldnt of woken me up!' He laughed.

"I guess that would of been an option, but i am hyper now." I laughed, throwing my hands in the air, and then dropping them back down to my sides again.

He looked at me, and came to my right, and layed down the same direction as me. I looked over at him and smiled another cheesy grin. He laughed in return, and I just sat, staring inot his eyes.

"You know, I really do love you, Beau.." he whispred.

"I love you too Nash.." i smiled.

He came closer to me, and looked at my lips, and back to my eyes. 

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" I laughed.

He msiled, and pulled me closer, and grabbed my waist, pulled my ontop of him. I smiled, and moved my hair out of my face, and then grabbed the back of his neck, and his arms got tighter around my waist. He deepend the kiss my sneaking his tounge into my mouth, and moving his hands under my shirt. We stayed like this for a while, until it started to get more steamy. And He sat up, and pushed me to the front of the bed, and gettingontop of me. I grabbed the back of his neck, playing with his hair, and he kissed me more roughly, but pasionatly. He pulled away, and he removed his shirt, and came right back to my lips. I smiled, and he pushed his hands under my shirt again. I put my free hand on his lower stomach, feeling his amazing abs. He let out a low growl, and grabbed my butt, and squeezed. I gigled into the kiss, and he smiled. On the corner of my thigh, I could feel him getting harder, but I stopped him before anything else could happen.

"Bee, i know you dont want to, but can we please continue?" He begged. I nodded and he went back to kissing me. 

I ended up on my back, with Nash laying ontop of me. He was less agressive now, and we were just baisically making out. He still had his hands under my shirt, running his hands up and down my sides, and occasionally on my lower back/butt region. I still smiled, and placed my hands on his abs once more. He again, snuk his tounge in my mouth, and it got more rough and passionate. I loved this side of Nash, so vulnerable,and easy. He came off my lips, and moved down my jaw to my collar bones, and started sucking, making me throw my head back, and close my eyes. He nmoved back up my neck, andkissed my lips again. I wrapped my good leg around his legs, so he couldnt move, and he hungirly attacked my lips once more. 

"WOAH! USE PROTECTION MAN!" Taylor yelled, barging in.

"Dude!" Nash said, sitting up, still ontop of me. 

I burried my face into Nash's neck, and Laughed.

"GET SOME!" Carter yelled.

I looked up to see everyone, and I mean everyone, the Jacks, Carter, Taylor, Matt, Aaron, Hayes, Shawn, Cameron... Cameron. Shit.

I sat up, and got up from under Nash, and walked past Cameron and into the bathroom. I saw I was only wearing a tank top, and the hickey from Nash was clearly visable. I grabbed a hoodie from the suitcase next to me, which happened to be the one I was wearing when we arrived here, and I walked back out, to see everyone sittin gon the bed, watching a scary movie. 

"Uh, I'm going to go out in the hall, its kinda hot in here." I said.

"hmm, I wonder why!" Carter joked.

I smiled and walked out, phone in hand.

I walked down the hall, and found a little corner, and sat down.

What have I done, I mean, Cameron got Michelle pregnant, but that was an accidnet, and because i wasnt giving him what he 'wanted' and now I am giving it to Nash, does that make sense, or am I just making that up...

"Beau?" i heard a voice say...

A/N ooooooooohhhhh, so a little Bash action there eh? ;) ;) ;) so, what do you think will happen next? :0 will Cameron and BEau get back together? Will Michelle come back? Was this all a set up? Too bad you'll have to wait to find out! 



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