Chapter Twenty-five smallest things mean the most.

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I was currently sitting on my bed with a few ice packs on my leg, it had been hurti hurting for a while now. I looked down my leg, and noticed my nail polish from a few days ago was chipping. So, I got up, and walked to thr bathroom, and got my nail polish bag. I got the poliah off my toes, but it hurt too much to bend my knee. So I huffed and sat back. and repainted my finger nails instead.

Nash walked in as my last nail dried.

" stinks up here." He plugged his nose.

"Beauty sucks." I laughed.

He laughed and sat on the edge of my bed.

He looked at my feet.

"why dont you have any coloring on your toes?" He asked.

"Hurts to bend over." I said.

he reached over, and grabbed the bag.

"What color?" He asked digging around.

I laughed. "No way! you'd get ut everywhere." I laughed.

"No, I did skylans once and I did good." he laughed.

"Fine." I said. "Baby blue." I said.

He pulled out the blue. He shook it and opened it up. He took a sniff and looked away disgusted.

I laughed, and he started.

"This is easy!" He said. then he dropped a drop onto my foot. "Maybe not.." He laughed.

Once he was done, he actually did pretty good. I had him add some purple sparkles, and he dried them.

"See! Im such a good boyfraaand." He said.

"Very." I smiled.

he leaned over and kissed me. Insulted and he moved his hands over my head, so I was laying, and he was hovering over me. I pulled back, and looked at him. I bit my lip.

"Whats on your mind jelly bean?" he laughed.

"Jelly bean?" I laughed.

"Your shirt." He laughed.

I looked down at my shirt and saw the over sized Joel bean shirt, which I had rolled the sleeves, and I was wearing neon pink spandex ti go along.

I laughed.

"so, seriously. whats up?" he asked, lay in down next to me and wrapping both his arms around me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Not much.." I said. "Just bored."

"well, I might have something that could be fun.." He said.

"And whats that?" I asked.

"I want you.." he said.

I loked at him, shocked.

"What do you mean.." I asked.

"You know what I mean.. I want to go all the way.." He sat up and looked at me.

"Nash, I do too, but, now?" I laughed.

"When ever you want to." He said.

"I'll think about it." I smiled, and kissed him.

The Day He Called Me Beautiful.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя