Chapter sixteen. No more hospitals! WOOP!

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After six days of hospital food, and medication, and all that hospital shit, They said I was stable enough to go home. I had gained back all the blood I lost, did some physical therapy, and was now ready to go home, but I now had to keep the two casts from the accident on for another month, becuase my bones grew weak. But I was currently filling out paper work, with Nash, and about to leave.

Nash grabbed the pen from me, and sighned his name, saying he was ging to be staying with me, and helping me through out the next month, making sure I was ok. I had to wait another month before I could leave the state, Fine by me, but the boys were all flying out to Atalnta, and they would be in Orlando by the time I could leave the state.

We walked out, and got a ride form my mom to the nearest dealership, because, frankly, I needed a car! We decided on going back to my house, so I could change, and take a shower.

My mom had to go to the funeral home, and make arrangements with my brothers for my fathers death, so Nash stayed with me.

"I am going to go pull my car up.." He said.

"Why? We should take a cab, so then you can drive me back, I cant drive for two months." I said, laughing.

"Oh, right, im going to change quick then." HE said.

"Wait.. come here.." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just come. here." I said more sternly.

He walked over, and I grabbed his shirt, and placed a kiss on his lips, and he instantly wrapped his hands around my waist.

"I'm going to shower, go change, we both smell of hospital." i said, waddling up the stairs.

He smirked, and wlaked out. I quick took a shower, and put on a pair of black PINK sweat oants, and a red tee shirt, and some black flip flops, and threw my hair into a bun, and looked at my tattoo before I pulled my shirt down.

"I almost forgot you had that.." Nash said, scaring me.

"I know, me too.." I said. "It brings back some memories.." I said.

He nodded, and we headed out the door.


What if she gets with Nash? What if this, what if that, all about Beau.

"dude, you ok? Carter asked me.

We were currently waiting for our flight to take off, off to Atlanta.

"Yeah, just thinking." I said.

"About beau?" He asked.

"Yeah.." I said.

"Dont worry, if it was meant, shell come back, if it  wasnt, she'll move on, so will you.." He said, patting my back.

"Youre right." I said.

The plane took off, and I got a message from Nash.

NASHTY: Hey, uhm, we need to talk..

TO NASHTY: About what?


TO NASHTY: What about her?

NASHTY: I dont know, what is going on between the two of you? me and her are like, getting closer..

TO NASHTY: I dont know, i still love her, but she dosnt love me back, she loves you now..

NASHTY: She is stuck betweeen the two of us, but you hurt her bad, bro. GTg, she is buying her new car, bye bro.


I closed my eyes, and cried myself to sleep.


"I like this one." I said, pointing to a aquamariene blue truck.

"Why do you want a truck?" Nash asked.

'I dont know, I just like them, and I like to see the guys faces when a skinny girl gets out of a huge truck, its fun, and it makes all the guys want me." I joked.

He rolled his eyes.

"How about a Escape?" He asked.

I looked at it, and it looked decent, but i still liked the trucks.

I saw a truck, that was all black, and when I opened the door, it was a light brown leather material, with red wooden details, and I fell in love. I looked at the price, and it was in my range, $51,000.

"NASH! THIS ONEEEE!: I yelled.

He walked over, and he agreed that this one was cool.

We walked inside, with the paper from the truck in my hand.

'hi, I was thinking this one?" I asked.

"Sure, lets fill out the paperwork." She said, bringing me behind a cubicle. 

As we talked, Nash was texting on his phone. After we were done, I asked him who he was talking to.

He started my new truck, and I hopped in. My new lisence plates would come in in three weeks.

"Cameron." he said, pulling into the freeway.

"Oh, how are they?" I asked.

"Theyre good, Cams kind of upset though.." He said.

"How so?" I asked.

"You.." He replied, "And me." 

"Oh..Well, he shouldnt of fucked Michelle!" i said.

"I know, but we kind of broke him.. ya know?" He said.

"I know, but, its just not the same anymore." I said.

Did I really just say that? Am I loosing all my feelings twoards Cameron? what about Nash, do I like him?

"How is it not the same anymore?" He asked.

"I dontk now, ever since we kissed, its just, diffrent, ya know?" I said.

"I feel the same way, he, maybe him and Jo or Issabelle will work out?" He said.

"Yeah, maybe.." I said.

The rest of the drive was silent. But when we turned down the road, NAsh put his hand on my thigh, and it felt..comforting, and I felt safer, not that I didnt feel safe with cameron, I did, but Nash, hes diffrent..

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