Chapter Eighteen. How Bitter Sweet..

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I walked out of the shower, to find Beau on my bed, with her crutches on the floor, and her all wrapped up in my blanket, lightly snoring. She looked so cute. I went to my dresser, grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a ripped muscle tank, and walked over to her, and sat down, and wrapped my arms around her waist, and I felt her move around so she was facing me, with her head on my chest.

"I love you.." I whispred in her hair, kissin gthe top of her head.

I felt her smile, and grab my hand with her good one, "I love you too." 

We both fell asleep, just sitting there, no words, nothing.




My phone was blaring my ringtone, I forgot to put it on vibrate. I sat up out of Nash's arms, and looked at who was calling me, My brother, Jack.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, guess what??" He said, he sounded hyper.

'Please tell me youre not drunk.." I pleaded.

"No, you rememebr Sadie?" HE asked.

"Yeah, your girlfrined ever since freshman year.." I said, I loved Sadie, she was seriously amazing.

"So, tonight, I asked her something.." HE said.

"Get on with it!" I said.

"I proposed to her, and she said yes!" HE said.

"JACK! THATS AMAZING! I'm so happy for you!" I said.

"Thank you, now you sounded like you were sleeping, and btw, mom made the arrangments, the funeral is next  Thursday at 10. Bye sissy." He said and hung up.

"Bye to you too.." I locked my phone.

by now, Nash was sittingup, and focusing on my, my mood went to excited to sad in a matter of seconds.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

I sat and faced him, crossing my non-broken leg underneath me, and looking at him.

"Yeah! One, my brother proposed to his girlfriend, and she said yes, and two, no, because my dads funeral is next thursday at 10.." I looked at my fingers.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

"Would you?" I said.

"Of course." HE said, and kissed me.



It was currently 9:00, and I was waiting in the car for Nash. We were driving to Hollywood, for the funeral service, then to my old house for a after party thing. I was wearing a black long skirt, wich covered my cast, and a black flowy top, short sleeved, but I coverd my scars pretty well with Make-up. Out came Nash, wearing Black pants, some black vans, and a black V-neck, with a dark blue blazer. He looked nice.

"Hi, you ready for this?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be.." i huffed.

The whole ride was silent, other than the faint radio in the background. when we arrived to the cemetary, I felt a sort of nervousness over take my body.

"Nash, i dont think I can do this. I never got a chance to say good bye. I havent talked to my dad in over a month and a half.. Nash..I cant.." I said.

"You have to do it, and you need to, so do it now.." He said.

He handed me my crutches, and helped my along th egrass, and next to my mom, and brohters, Sadie, and my oldest brothers wife, Renee.

After the whole speech things, we were to say our last words to my dad. I was the last, since I was the youngest.

Nash walked up with me, and held my hand. I placed my hand on the casket, and looked up at the sky.

"Daddy, I know you can hear me. So let me tell you a bit.. Its a long story. I met this boy after I moved in, and we dated for a while. It went great. And then, I heard you died, and it all went crashing down. I ammost died, and I ruined little white." I laughed. Little white is what me and my dad called my truck. "And then, I survived, and Nash came along." i said, squeezing my hand. "You'd like them both, Cameron and Nash, theyre good guys, and I know hat They, and JAck and daniel, wont let anything happen to me. I love you dad. Goodbye.." I said, kissing the casket.

We walke daway, and I leaned on Nash. We walked over to my mom, and I hugged her. So did Nash. We went to the truck, and got in. We decided to go home and change into something else, and eat something before we went to my moms.

We pulled into my drive way, and Nash kissed me on the cheek, and helped me inside, then walked over to his house to change. I walked upstairs, and took off my dress, and shoes, and put on a pair of high waisted black shorts, and a white flowy top, that had long sleeves, and a pair of white sparkly flats, and took my hair out of its bun, and brushed it out. I touched up my makeup from crying, and grabbed the crtches, and wlaked back down stairs. I saw Nash In the doorway, wearing khacki shorts, and a black tee shirt, with a floral designed pocket, and a black pair of Vams, and we walked back to the truck. We drove over to the starbucks by our house, and the whole ride was silent. We walked in, ordered our coffees, and sat in a booth in the back corner of the shop.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm ok..I guess." I said. "I just miss him." 

"Yeah.. I am always going to be here for you, you know that, right?" He smiled.

"yeah." I said. He grabbed my hand, and I smiled.

"So, your birhtday is in two days.." He smiled.

"I know, I dont want anything huge." I said.

"Mmmhhhmm.." He sipped his drink.

"Seriously Nash, nothing at all. All this is enough, with you being here for me and missing the tour, its really enough, more than enough." I said.

"I know, I know. Its all for you though." He said.


I am so excited, I talked to her doctor the last time we were there, wich was abut a week ago, and he said that she was doing better, so she could leave the state now, and I have two plane tickets, and I am surprising her with that, and then everyone else at MagCon and her by flying out to see them. I am packing our bags tonight while she is sleeping, and we leave on her birthday, after the checkup tomorow.

"We should get going, its almost one.." I said.

"Yeah.." She said.

We threw away our things, and got back into her truck.

"i can not wait to drive this.." She laughed.

"Only 5 more months babe.." I winked.

She rolled her eyes, and placed her non-broken leg under her, so she was sitting up higher.

"So, where am I going." I laughed.

She gave me the adress.

We were driving in silence, not an awkward silence, but a peaceful scilence.

When we got there, I met all of her family, got to see her old room, which was covered in posters of me, and my friends, and got to meet her brother, and see where she grew up.

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