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William was right, his father didn't need any real convincing. He thought that this will make us more of a believable couple if William was there for me while my life literally fell apart in front of my eyes. It would being in more prying eyes curious with the entire situation. It was Angie who took some real convincing. She thought this was a really bad idea, that it's just gonna cause more problems in my life, ruining my life entirely. Yet I didn't care, my dad needed his daughter right now and it wont work out when I'm miles away. After long hours of William trying to convince her she finally agreed. We worked out a deal, we'd spend a week in NorthBrooks without Bob, since I don't think Dad needs a body guard in his house during this time, but we aren't allowed outside my neighborhood. I'm not even aloud to go to school, nit like I wanted too. Just really wanted to drop in and tell Palmer everything going on right now.

"Don't draw any attention to yourself, you hear me?" Angie looked at William while saying this. "And don't do anything stupid."

"Yes ma'am." William pulled her into a hug before whispering thanks.

We were leaving the hotel around two in the morning and for the first time this week, New York wasn't full to the brink with cars and people. Almost like it was on purpose, then again. There was a giant snowstorm coming in in around two hours and no one wanted to be stuck in it.

Tyson Everest ordered a private jet for us since one of his buddies owned him big time. This was the first time I've ever really felt grateful for Tyson's kindness, then again it was gonna bring more eyes to William so he probably did it on purpose. Making William look like the caring boyfriend he is.

When we landed, Clarke was already waiting for us. She wasn't planning on going to school in the first place, so it wasn't a big deal in the first place.

I exited the plane first and she sprinted up to me, arms squeezed tightly against my neck that breathing became difficult.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She whispered. "Dad never need us more than now. He's a complete emotional wreck at home. Haven't left his bed since the video been released." She explained.

"What family would we be if we weren't there for each other?" I asked with a forced smile.

"I just didn't want to take you away from William." She smiled.

"I wasn't." I looked up at the plane entrance and saw William looking at the view surrounding him.

"I feel like I should be freaking out right now," Clarke whispered looking up at him.

"Yeah well you'll have enough time after we help Dad okay?" I smile. "William."

He looked down when I said his name.

"This is my sister Clarke, you're biggest fan." I remind him.

"Right, Cassie told me so much about you." He held our his hand for a handshake.

I felt my cheeks blushed.

"Trust me, I'll me freaking out once my dad isn't an emotional wreck." She told him. "Now come on."

On the entire ride home we explained to Clarke that no one, and we mean no one, can know that William was staying at our house. She agreed since she wasn't ready for paparazzi finding out where we live.

"You have no idea what it's like at school. I've never heard anyone talk about you so much." Clarke explained. "Especially Marcus he's been going on how you'd never do anything like this unless you had too."

In the side mirror I saw William readjust himself. If I wasn't with him practically everyday for the last month I wouldn't of thought twice of it. But since I do know him, I know that's what he does when he's uncomfortable.

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