Part 1: roller coasters

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The sound of birds chirping invaded my ears as I open my eyes and saw a bright light coming through the window. I grabbed my phone to check the time "9:27".I have to get up but I don't want to, but I have to. I set up in my bed rubbing my eyes. While they're trying While they're trying to recognize things around my room, a figure Walks in.
"Jack wake u- oh good. You're up. Jonah made breakfast. Hurry up before it gets cold." The y'all figure says that I recognize as corbyn. I get up and stretch as I hear the shower in the other room turn on. I start to walk down the stairs but as I'm about to get halfway Corbyn looks sent me from the bottom and says "can you go wake up zach please"
"Sure" I reply.
I walk in the room he shares with Jonah and Corbin I don't see anyone around. I go to the restroom and here's a shower on. That's who's in the shower. I don't knock on the door and hear a voice say
"Who is it?"
" it's me, Jack. Don't take long. Breakfast is ready"
"Ok, Im coming out soon"
I leave his room and walk into the kitchen.
"Did you wake zach up?" Jonah asks.
"He's taking a shower. I told him to hurry"
I sat down as Jonah handed me a plate with bacon and eggs on it. I started eating as I see Daniel walk into the kitchen.
"Morning Danny"
"Morning jackie"
"Do we have plans today?" I asked no one in particular.
" me and Zach are going to the fair together"
Oh. As he finished his sentence I feel this weird feeling in my stomach. I don't recognize it so I push it away.
"Oh ok"
"Do you wanna come with us?" Daniel asked politely.
"Yeah sure"
"Anyone else care to join" Daniel asked while looking at corbyn and Jonah.
" I have laundry to do so I can't. Sorry" Jonah said while corbyn nods in agreement "me too"
Ok. Jackie we're leaving at 11:30 so be ready by then"
As I finish breakfast out walk upstairs and walk into my room. As I'm changing I hear someone walking in.
" oh sorry. I was just going to ask if I could borrow a hoodie. Mine are all dirty and we are the same size" zach asked while avoiding eye contact, probably because I was shirtless.
"Oh, yeah sure. They're hanging in the closet. Pick whichever you want"
"Ok thanks" zach says as he walked into mine and Daniels shared closet. As I finish getting dressed Zack walks out with one of my hoodies on. More specifically, my favorite. I have this strange feeling in my stomach again. But this one is different. It's more of a butterfly feeling. He kind a looks cute in it. Wait what?! I push that thought away when I hear Zach say "Jack is this one OK?"
"oh yeah sorry. It's fine", crap. I was staring wasn't I,"can you get me one too please. Any is fine"
He later hand me one and says thank you. we walk downstairs as I check my phone for the time "10:43". We've still got quite a while so I asked Zach if you wanted to come with me outside to skateboard for a bit.
"Jack, you know I can't skate"
"Then I'll teach you"
"What if I fall"
" you won't. Don't worry. And if you fall I'll be right there to catch you"
When I finish my sentence we made eye contact and just looked at each other for a moment.
"Ok sure"
I go outside with Zach falling. We skate for a bit and Zach eventually gets it, kinda. But after a while it was time to go to the fair.
"LETS GO GUYS" daniel yells out of the window. We all get in the car and start the drive to the fair

~time skip dedicated by jacks noodles~

As we get out of the car Zach yells "I WANNA GO ON THAT ONE" he points at the tall roller coaster that goes in a few loops.
"I don't know Zach. I don't like roller coaster very much" Daniel says.
"Me neither" I reply in agreement.
"It's ok. It'll be fun" zach then grabs my hand and drags me to the line, there are the butterflies again. The moment we are actually in the ride I feel my heart thumping. I think Zach noticed my nervousness because he grabs my hand and holds it tightly. The butterflies appear once more.
"AAAAHHHHHHHH. I DONT LIKE THIS AT ALL" I hear what I think is daniel say. I couldn't really tell because I was screaming as well. I look over at Zach and he was having the time of his life. He was just laughing his ass off. When the ride was over I then realize I was literally holding his arm the whole time.
"s-sorry" I say as I let go of his arm.
"It's ok. You were scared. And I told you I would be here for you" zach says.
Something about Zach being here for me sounds so promising. I look away because I realized I was blushing a bit, what is going on with me. We then go on a couple more before Zach says he's tired and we started heading back. Be get back around 5:20ish and we walk into to the backyard to see corbyn and Jonah swimming.
"Hey guys. Whatcha doin?" I ask
"Just taking a dip in the pool. You should get in. It's not cold"
"Ok" me and zach say at the same time. We just look at each other and giggly before we go back upstairs to change. When I get back downstairs Zach's already there, Shirtless. It's not like I haven't seen him like that before. But something about this time made it a bit more appealing, stop it.

~time skip dedicated by Jonah's big feet~

I start to get tired so I get out a change. After I change I go into the living room to watch Netflix. Jonah, Zach and Daniel later join me but corbyn goes upstairs, probably to FaceTime Christina. We watch the Fosters for a bit before Jonah says he's tired and heads upstairs followed by Daniel. It was then just me and Zach. As the show went on he gets closer and closer to the point he was next to me. He then start to lean his head against my shoulder. I'm not going to lie, it felt right. But of course I freaked out.
"I'm getting tired. I'm going to go to sleep"
"Oh.. ok goodnight jack" he said in almost a sad tone.
"Goodnight zach" I said as I stand up and go into my room. I walk in quietly because Daniel is already asleep. I lay down and just stare at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened today. I later come to a realization.
"Ah crap. I think I like Zach" I whisper to myself, making sure I don't wake Daniel up. Soon my eyelids start to feel heavy and I drift off to sleep. I'm so screwed if I like Zach.

FIRST CHAPTER OF MY FIRST BOOK. AHHHHHHHH. I really hope people like this. Or at least read it 😂 😂 anyways I'm pretty sure there's going to be mistakes and stuff so just go easy on me thankssssssss. Depending how busy I am I'll update Wednesday If not I'll just update by next weekend. But I'll try my best to update before that. Ok thanks for ready. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter bye bye.

Word count: 1218

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