Part 10: warm beds

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The doctors told me when they bring jack back from testing we could go home. And as much as I love jack I love my home just as much and this time I get to bring jack with me.

They brought jack back an hour later and I was ready to go. I handed him a pair of clothes the boys brought him and told him to go change.

"Hey zach?" Jack said while coming out of the restroom.

"Yes jack?" I responded.

"How come you didn't go home like the rest of the boys?" He asked.

"Because I couldn't leave you here alone. You're one of my best friend" I responded.

"But even after I woke up you stayed"

"I promised you I wouldn't leave and I keep my promises" I said.

"Oh ok. Well thank you" he said grabbing one of the bags that the boys brought us.

"No problem" I gave him a little smile.

We later checked him out and started the drive home. The doctor told him to do a lot of things that are tiring or strenuous on him so I drove.

"Hey jack. You never told us what exactly happened" I said breaking the silence.

"What do you mean" he said.

"How exactly did you get hit" I didn't know if he was comfortable talking about it yet but I took the chance anyway.

"Oh. Well I was walking home since we didn't live far from Logan's and ,well, when I was crossing the street a car didn't stop and it hit me" I look over at him and he's looking down at his hands like he's replaying the thoughts in his head.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Why did you leave anyway?" I was digging deeper even though I know I shouldn't be.

"Oh. I was just tired, you know?"

"I'm sorry but I don't believe that jack" I was going to regret thing.

"It's just that there were so many people having fun and I wasn't really feeling it"

"Why didn't you just tell me that. I would've danced with you or something"

"I did, until I found you sticking your tongue down a guys throat" he said the last part quietly. Probably hoping I didn't hear him. But I did

"Wait really?! You saw that" DAMN IT.

"Yeah so I chose on the bother you" well now he knows I'm bi tho.

"Oh ok. Well it was a mistake anyway. I was... um nvm"

"You were? Continue" I said looking at me.

"Nothing. I was nothing" he's not going to let this go.

"Just tell me Zach" he insisted  

"I was drunk" I said very calmly.

"Wha- why would you be so stupid?! You know you're not allowed to drink. Especially at your age" he said while raising his voice.

" I know but Logan offered bc he was drunk too and I took it then one thing led to another and well that happened"

"Wait so you're gay?"

"I'm bi. But don't tell he other boys. I don't want them thinking differently about me. Please"

"Fine. I won't. But I am too if that gives you any reassurance" OSHEOENDJSKEN OMG WHAT DID HE JUST SAY.

"Wait really?!" I said trying not to sound too excited. I was glancing back at him every now and then as we talked.

"Yeah but I don't really like telling people. I mean it's not their business" OH MY GOD

"Yeah. You're right"

"We're in this together" I chuckled and placed is hand on my thigh and it was warm. Like safety kinda.

We continued driving in silence only I moved his hand from my thigh to his. I had placed my hand on his thigh and he put his hand on top of mine. It was really nice and comforting but it didn't last long until we got to the house.

The moment we opened to door I said "we're home" and you just heard heavy footsteps running down the stairs and a group of boys pretty much tackled jack.

"Ok ok. Guys be careful. You're going to hurt the poor boy"

"No weren't not. And we're just so happy to see him ok" corbyn said releasing him from his grip.

"Don't ever scare us like that again. Ok?" Daniel said still hugging him.

"I promise I won't" jack said followed with "but I'm kinda tired, in going to go to sleep"

"It's barely 8:30" Jonah followed up.

"Yeah but I'm quite tired. The hospital bed was very uncomfortable and I like to sleep in my own bed" he chuckled awkwardly.

"Ok well then if you can go to sleep then" corbyn said sending jack off.

"Um I'm going to go talk to him real quick"

"Ok. Come down when you're done. I wanna talk to you" Jonah said when the others walked away.

"Ok" I said while following jack up the stairs.

I was walking in jack is finishing getting dressed for bed.

"Finally huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. That hospital dress thing was really bothering me in the lower zoom" said circling his junk.

"Yeah I getchu" I laughed.

"Hold on I'll be right back" he said as he walked into the restroom brushing his teeth. I just sat on his bed waiting for him to say good night and mentally preparing myself for the conversation I'm about to have with Jonah when I get down stairs. I really don't want to.

"Ok done" he said walking out. I had already brushed my teeth before walking into his room so I was good to go.

"Ok. Well goodnight then" I said as I started to walk out.

"Wait.. zach?" He said quite softly.

"Yeah?" I turned around as he had his blinked up to his eyes.

He pulled them down to his chin and asked "can you stay with me tonight?"

I was so happy to hear those words. One, because I love to sleep with jack (not that way pervs 😒😂😂) and two, because I got to avoid the conversation with Jonah. At least until tomorrow.

"I mean. I promised I wouldn't leave. Didn't I?" I said as I walked over to him.

He then opened the blankets for me as I got in and wrapped my arms around his back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest. It was nice. I felt his steady breath on my chest as I hear a small "goodnight" squeak from him.

"Goodnight jack" and with that I fell asleep.

These were the safe nights I hoped for


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been active. It's just that in really busy with school and all so I don't have much time for anything. Anyway thanks for all the support from everyone and seeing everyone enjoy my book means a lot. You guys are the best. Hope you enjoy this chapter byeeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1187

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