Part 23: home sweet home

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I know running away from my problems wasn't the best idea but I had no idea what else to do. I knew I couldn't go back to that damn home for more than one reason. Being there would've torn me to pieces and it just wouldn't make me mentally or physically healthy. I needed to get away from this madness for a bit.

The boys have been blowing up my phone. Even Daniel called me and I got multiple voicemails of him apologizing. Apparently he actually has feelings. But I mean he wouldn't have to apologize if he didn't sleep with my fuckin boyfrie- ex boyfriend. I love jack. And I love him so much that I need to let him go.

I had no idea where I was going so I went to lax and took the earliest flight to Texas I could get. And with that I ran home because if anyone in the world was going to help me through this it was going to be my mom. I know she doesn't actually know know yet but she'll still help me out.

After the 18th call from jack and the 13th call from Jonah I had to turn my phone off for the plane. I hadn't let any of them know but when I got off the plane I was going to let Corbyn know I was alright and he can tell the rest of he wants. I honestly have no idea what happened between me and Corbs but whatever it was I think it definitely brought us a little bit closer.

I finally landed in my home town and called an Uber to my home. I didn't bring anything with me so it looks like I'll have to go shopping for some stuff when I get home.

After a good hour I finally got home and run my door bell. man, I haven't been here in a while.

I heard some shuffling inside before the door opened revealing a speechless Reese.

"Reese i told you you can't open the doors for people. You don't know who it could-"my mother said before walking into view.

"Hi?" I said but came out more in a question.

"ZACH" Reese finally said while jumping into my arms.

"Hi beautiful" I said gripping her tightly.

"Omg zach! what are you doing here?!" My mom exclaimed excitedly while walking over and hugging me too.

"Well I wanted to come visit you guys. It's just been so long" I didn't want to tell her about everything just yet. I wanted this to be my moment.

"Are the boys with you?" She asked checking behind me.

"No. I came by myself" I half smiled.

"Well it good to have you home" she whispered loud enough for me to hear as she hugged me again.

"Where is Ryan and Dad?" I asked realizing that they weren't in sight.

"Ryan's in his room playing games and dads at work" she told me as I stepped in. She continued with "where's your stuff?"

"Oh um. It was kinda a quick decision so I didn't bring anything." I told her awkwardly as i rubbed the back of my neck.

"Is everything ok?" She asked noticing my nervousness. it's a motherly instinct I'm pretty sure.

"I'll explain later" I said before going upstairs.

I slowly opened the door to Ryan's room before slowly walking over to him and scaring him.

"OH MY LORDYYYYY" he screamed the realizing it was me, "wait what. Oh my god zach!" He pushes himself out of his chair hugging me tightly.

"How've you been buddy?" I asked him still hugging him.

He pulled away then responded, "good. I've been good man. What about you why you here?"

" I'm good. Just visiting. Missed my favorite chubs" chubs has always been my nickname for him since he was born. He was a chunky baby (before I trigger y'all. I'm not making any comment on his weight or size in anyway. It's just for the sake of the story).

"You haven't called me that since I was like 10" he mentioned.

"And I will call you that when you are 20 so suck it up" I told him and I ruffled his hair.

After a while of just catching up Reese came into the room to call me and Ryan for lunch.

"so are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Ryan stated.

"What elephant?" Mom asked.

"Why Zach's here. I mean not to call your bs but there's a reason you're here" Ryan said.

"Well he's right. Alright so I just say it" i took a deep breath before the next words left my mouth, "guys I'm gay". They all stayed silent before Ryan's smart ass said.
"I knew it"

"Excuse me?" I said which caused the whole talk to laugh

"Honey it's ok. You know that your father and I will love you no matter who you are" I felt relieved at my mothers choice of words.

"Thank you mom but there's more"

"Go on"

"Me and jack are- were dating" I corrected myself.

"What do you mean were ?" She asked. I didn't want to have this conversation in front of the kids so I told her that we'll talk about it later.

After Reese and Ryan had finished eating they went back to playing while my mother and I stayed in the kitchen.

"So what happened?" She asked as I sat down.

"So me and the boys went to Logan's party this weekend and jack got drunk and I'm guessing so did Daniel because when I went to look for jack he was-" I felt the tears forming again but I needed to let it out, "he was asleep naked with Daniel and there was really no other explanation" at this point the tears were running freely down my cheeks.

"Did you talk to him" she asked.

"Yeah and that's when we got into this argument and I broke up with him. I haven't talked to them since I left the house this morning"

"Buddy. I know you want to just run away from this but I promise you it's not going to help out anyone. I think you need to go back and talk to the boys and work this about because I know you don't really want to leave jack. I've known for a while you've love jack and I just didn't want to push you into something you weren't ready for. Go back and make things right with the boys. I know it's not going to be easy but it's going to have to happen" she was always great at giving advice.

"Thank you mom. I will. But right now I just wanna spend time with my family" I said with a smile. I got up and yelled out 'MOVIE NIGHT' so the kids can come watch a movie with all of us.


Alright so this time it didn't talk me like a month to update yayyyyyyy :) let me know what you think Daniel's going to say to zach when he gets back. Anyways til next time byeeeeeeeeeee

Wc: 1194

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