Part 11: clammy hands

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I woke up to jack moving under me. It was still quite dark so I knew it was early.

"Jack. Jack wake up" I shook him slightly before he opened us eyes in a panic "jack you're ok? I'm right here" "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just had a bad dream, that's all" he said with a little bit of sweat on his forehead. He tightened his grip around me almost as if he was scared. And I know it a long shot but I had a feeling I knew what it was about.

"Was it about the accident?" I asked cautiously as I rubbed small circles into his back.

"Mhmm" he hummed into my chest. He sounded sad.

"Hey. Hey you're ok now. I'm right here and promise I'm never going to let anything hurt you ok?" I meant every word of it.

"Ok" he said sounding like a squeak more than words.

"Ok. Now go to sleep. You need it" i said while playing with his curls to relax him.

"Ok" Was all he managed, "Hey zach?"

"Yes jack" it seemed to be a common thing for us.

"I love you" he said but it was very muffled against my chest. But the words were very.. promising. I liked it very much.

"I love you" I said while still playing with his curls to relax him. I've never been quite fond of the word too. It always sounds insincere to me.

After a couple of minutes I fell back asleep. It wasn't hard. The feeling of jacks steady heart beat on my chest was very relaxing.


Ok. Today was the day. I was going to ask Zach on a date or at least try to. I mean it shouldn't be that hard right. I was planning on dinner and a movie but I figured that was too cheesy so I just chose the movie. I don't exactly know when I should ask him though.

As I was in deep thought and playing with Zach's hair he started to move which caused me to break out of my thoughts.

"Morning" he said with a morning raspy voice.

"Good morning" I said with a big smile.

"How you feeling?" He asked while I still played with his hair.

"Fine. A lot better actually" now that you're here with me.

"Ok good. I'm going to go make you breakfast" he started to get up but I grabbed him by the waist and pull him back down.

"Waaaaiiiitttttttttttt. Five more minutes please" I said pouting like a little boy.

"Fine. But you're going to have to help with breakfast then" he said while lying back into my grasp.

"Deal" I simply say as I wrap my arms back around him. He's snuggles into me as we watch stuff on his phone.

Eventually we had to get up so I followed zach downstairs not realizing that I'm still holding Zach's hand. We walk into the kitchen and I see Jonah standing there, coffee in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Morning Love birds" he said without even looking up what did he mean

"I'm kidding. Chill" he said motioning to our hands. The moment u realized we were still holding hands I let go. I don't exactly know why.

"Hey zach can i talk to you" he said looking back Down at his phone.

"y-yeah sure" zach said as if he was nervous. They then walked into the living room leaving me in the kitchen.


"I know you like him" omg omg omg

"w-what" "w-what do you m-mean"
Well he's obviously not going to believe me now.

"Come on. I'm not stupid. The others might be blind but I'm not. You're always touchy with him and closer with him. I mean when was the last time you slept in your own bed"

"Um the night before the crash. Duh" I said very matter of fact.

"Listen whatever you say wont change what I think. I know you do and I don't have a problem with it. I'll love you the same. Just don't lie to me" before I could even respond he walked back into the kitchen with his now empty cup of coffee.

"Hey. What was that about" jack asked while he sat next to me on one of the stools.

"Oh nothing. Just this girl I'm talking to" Jonah said, covering both our asses.

"Ah ok. Wear protection" we all laughed at his snarky comment and Jonah lightly pushed him. Dang jack really does have an adorable smile.


"Ok well I'm going to go upsets and change" Jonah said leaving me and zach alone. It got ever quiet. But it was a confortable silence. Like I could just stay here enjoying his presence even if he doesn't say anything.

I didn't really want to ask him. well I mean I do! But I'm just too nervous i guess. But it's now or never so here goes nothing.

"So I was thinking.." I start, getting his full attention.

"Yeah..?" He nodded for me to continue.

"Wanna go to the movies later?" The moment those words left my mouth I immediately got butterflies in my stomach and I felt my palms get clammy.

"Yeah sure. Want me to tell the boys?" He said starting to get up.

"NO!... I mean no I don't want them to come. Daniel and Corbyn get really loud and Jonah eats all the snacks" way to sound desperate

"Oh ok. Well what time" he said sitting back down. omg is this actually happening.

"6?" I said playing with my fingers. Man I was so nervous.

"Yeah sure. But in the mean time do you wanna go play some video games?" He didn't wait for my answer. He just grabbed my arm and dragged me to the tv. I was so excited for the next days because little did he know this was just the beginning.

This is going to be an exciting day


HEY GUYS. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a week. I've just been so busy and I have finals bc next week is my last week and I just have so much on my plate right now so sorry to disappoint but I'll make it up to you guys (hopefully). Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter thanks for reading byeeeeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1104

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