Part 6: secrets unravel

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As I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. Jack was kissing Daniel. Or Daniel was kissing jack. I honestly had no idea who was kissing who because i just walked right out of the room trying to process it all.
"Did you tell them corbyn?" Jonah asked as I entered the room.
"Huh? Oh.. uh.. yeah" I struggled to keep my sanity believable.
"Is everything ok?" Should I tell him. But what if they didn't want anyone to know.
"Yeah I accidentally walked in on jack changing that's all. It was pretty scared" I said letting out an awkward chuckle to make it somewhat believable.
"Oh ok" is all he said.
As I was about to sit down and continue watching the show jack came down the stair.
"Hey corbyn can i talk to you real quick?" Jack called me signaling to the kitchen.
"Yeah sure" I already know where this is headed.
"Sooooo..." I said breaking the awkward silence.
"I know you saw" I didn't know if I should admit to it or not so I just played dumb.
"s-saw what?"
"You saw me and Daniel.. kiss" he lowered his voice for the last park im guessing so Jonah didnt hear him.
"Oh yeah.. that" I said trying my best to not make it awkward. It obviously didn't work.
"Can you please not tell anyone about that?" He asked.
"Yeah sure" I paused for a second "so are you and Daniel like.. a thing or?"
"No. Oh god no! I mean I love Daniel but no" he said in defense.
"Ok ok chill. I believe you"
"Well ok then. Goodnight corbyn." He said as he walked back to his room.

~time skip because I'm lazy~

Just really quickly let me explain what happened last night. I got mad at Daniel because at the skate park he laughed at me when I fell really badly and I felt really embarrassed and other people were laughing too. He later apologized when we got
Home and everything was Gucci. Then when we were about to go to sleep we was telling me sorry again and he just kissed me. Out of no where. And corbyn walked in at that moment and saw so I chased after him, told him not to tell anyone, and went back to bed. I told Daniel I didn't share his feeling. He was kinda hurt and sad but understood and it didn't change anything. Now you're updated.
I went downstairs to the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. Zach was sitting on the on a stool eating his waffles that were on the counter.
"Hey zach" I said while sitting next to him.
"Oh hey" he said while still looking at his phone. He kinda looked upset about something.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" he responded still not looking up.
I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head up.
"Hey what's wrong? Talk to me" I didn't like seeing him upset.
"It's nothing. I'm fine" he tried to fake a smile that was almost believable but I didn't buy it.
"Zachary. Tell me right now what's wrong" I said in a demanding voice.
"I heard you and Daniel kissed ok!" He said quite loud. I was in awe. Corbyn must've told him.
"How'd you-"
"I heard you tell corbyn to not tell anyone. I was about to get water when I heard you guys talking" he must think we have a thing.
"Zach. Nothings going on between me and Daniel. Yes we kissed. But I don't share his feels. I don't like him. Trust me"

The moment I heard him say that it was like my whole body let go of breath I didn't realize i was holding in. All my muscles relaxed.
"Oh ok" I said a bit happier.
"Is that what you were upset about?" Crap crap crap crap. If I tell him yes it will be to obvious.
"No I was just upset that you didn't tell me. I mean you tell me everything" nice save.
"Oh ok. Well yeah. Nothing going on" that made me a bit happier.
"Ok. Cool"
I needed to change the subject before things got awkward.
"I'm going to go swimming. Wanna join?" I asked.
"Sure."He said as he ran up the stairs. Probably to go change.

After we changed I was waiting for jack to come outside while I was using my phone. The next thing I knew was my phone was taking from my hand and i was being pushed into the water. I started to freak out to scare jack.
"Jack!" "JACK I CANT SWIM" and I go under water.
"OH CRAP" and he dove into the water and swam towards me. I couldn't hold it in any longer I just started laughing. When jack reacted the surface he had a confused and slightly upset face.
"Wtf zach. You scared me!"
"That was the point. That's what you get for throwing me in." I just kept laughing ask jack splashed water at me. After a few hours of swimming I started to get tired. I got out and told jack I was done swimming. He got out to and went upstairs to change. We went to the living room and no one was there. Now that I think about it. The boys didn't come out once to talk to us. I wonder where they are.
"Hey. Have you seen the boys?" I asked jack while sitting down.
"Oh. I totally forgot to tell you. They said they went to Logan's house so we're alone untilllllllllll 7 or 8 ish" perfect.
"Oh ok cool. What movie do you want to watch?" I ask as I snuggle into him.
"Maybe twilight" he says as he placed his arm around me. This felt so right. Like I was just happy. This could be my happiness.
"Sounds perfect"

I put it on but I didn't even get half way through before falling asleep. Oh well. As long as I'm with jack nothing can go wrong.

Now if only I could tell him that
——————————————————————————————— y'all. I'm so ready for the next chapters. It's going to be great.  I'll update tomorrow if I'm down for it. Anyway. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1034

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