Part 14: starry night

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I sit down on the blanket as I take in the whole scene. It was so adorable and cute. I actually can't believe that this is happening. It feels like a dream. Jack then sits down next to me and starts looking inside the basket.

"So I bought us chipotle" he said with a chuckle, "I wanted to get you something i know you would enjoy"

"This is perfect. Thank you" I said with a big smile on my face. He takes both of our bowls out and hands me mine. He already knows my order by memory because I've made him buy me it so many times I've lost count.

"So.. do you like it?" jack asks after we finished our food.

"Yeah. You got it right. Like always" I chuckled.

"No. I mean the whole date" he said slightly shyly.

"Oh, Yeah. It's great actually. Thank you" I said with a smile.

"I have one more surprise but this one I have to go get so stay here, ok? I'll be right back" and with that he got up and ran. I honestly was so in my world that I didn't care. This boy is such a nerd and he's so adorable and I adore him in every way possible.

Jack later can back with a guitar. I guessing he got it from the car seeing as though he didn't take long and we didn't park far. I guess Jonah didn't leave yet.

"Ok" he said sitting down with a nervous smile, "I just want you to sit and listen until I finish ok?

"Ok" I said with a slight nod.

"I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more"
"Zach Herron. I love you so very much. And I'm tired of waiting, aren't you? So if you allow me I would like to be the best boyfriend anyone could possibly be to you" by now I had tears in my eyes and I was a mess. A silly, smiling, teary eyed mess. With this beautiful boy in front of me asking to be my boyfriend.


He hasn't said anything. Is that bad. Should I be worried. He's just sitting there looking at me.

Maybe he didn't understand. I should repeat it.


"Really?!" I screaming out of joy. He nodded his head as he tackled me in a hug.

"Yes I will be your boyfriend" I said in the crook of my neck.

This has honestly been one of the best days of my life. I'm loving it so much.

We spent the rest of the date just holding hands and looking up at the sky. We had moved the blanket from under the peer to the sand where you could see the blue night sky. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as the boy that was laying on me. We're so often Zach would point out a shape or object that the stars would make and I just chuckled at his kid like mind. He really is something different.

After a few hours it began getting really cold and I remembered we lived in a house with an overprotective "mom" aka Daniel and he'll wonder where we were.

"Are you cold?" I asked Zach as I could feel him shivering from under me.

Um, a little but it's ok. Don't worry" Zach said scooting closer into my side.

"I think we should head back. It's kinda late and they'll be wondering where we are" I said looking down at him.

"Ok. Let's go them" he stated getting up off of me.

He held out his hand before I took it and pulled myself up. I grabbed all the stuff in one hand and held is hand in my other.

We then walked to the car as I started driving. I guess Jonah got tired and ubered back home.

"I really liked today. Thanks baby" Zach said. I blushed at the nickname not being used to it at all.

"No problem. Anything for you" I gave Him a little smile before starting the car and heading home.

~time skip because I'm lazy~

I parked as I noticed that Zach was passed out in the passenger seat.  I didn't really want to wake him up because he seemed really peaceful. I texted Jonah asking who's awake. He responded saying only him and corbyn but corbyn was busy playing league in the kitchen.

I picked Zach up bridal style and knocked on the door. Jonah cooed thinking it was the cutest thing as I just walked up the stairs making sure not to fall or drop him.

I got into his room and I didn't know if I should undress him or just leave him in what he was wearing. After a long and hard thought I came to a conclusion that it probably won't be the last time I do this and plus he my boyfriend, I'm allowed to, right?

After I changed him to his pjs I covered him and I was about to walk out of the room until I heard a little squeak saying "stay". I just chuckled as I walked to him slowly and payed down next to him.

"I love you zach Herron" I whispered into his ear as I played with his hair. He just hummed back showing that he was already asleep.

How are we going to tell the boys

hey guyssssss... ok ok I know I said I'd update more often but if I'm being completely honest I don't have much motivation. I really love writing but I jut don't feel motivated recently. But I promise I will try to get back into it. Ok anyway I hope everyone had a great Christmas and you got what you wanted. Ok byeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1019 words

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