Part 8: accidents happen

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I just watched as they're hands explored each other's body. When they released each other zach turns towards my direction. Before he could do anything, if he even was going to, I turned around and walked away. I couldn't stay there any longer. I reach in my pocket to text the boys I'm going to home. My phone. I must've dropped it when I was looking for Zach. Goddamn it. As I continued to look for my phone I ran into the girl I was talking to before. Great.
"Hey jack" she said with a smile across her face.
"Oh hey.." crap. I didn't know her name.
"Um.. Natalie?" Welp
"Oh yeah sorry. I'm just really distracted right now. By any chance have you seen an iPhone 8 with a clear case and a wdw sticker on the back?"
"No. But Logan found a phone so you can ask him"
"Ok thanks bye" and with that I went to go find Logan. After what felt like hours searching through this massive house I finally found him in a bathroom making out with some chick.
"LOGAN" I scream to get his attention.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Do you need to pee?"
"No do you have my phone?" Getting straight to the point.
"Oh yeah. Clear case right?"
"Yeah" when I said that he pulled my phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me before giving his attention back to the girl.
"Thank" I said walking as far away as possible.
J: Hey guys I'm going home. You guys can stay and enjoy yourselves
D: is everything ok
Jo: want me to go with you
J: no, no I'm fine guys really. I'm just tired that's all
C: ok jack. Have a good night and stay safe. Tell us when you get home
J: ok. Goodnight
Jo: where's Zach. Isn't he in this group chat
J: yeah but he's dancing rn. He'll see it later
C: ok Well see you later

With that I shut off my phone and started to arrange my stuff.

After I realized what I had done it was too late. This random ass guy had pulled me into a room and was currently trying to explore every aspect of my body.
"Wait. Stop" I said suddenly sitting up.
"What's wrong baby?" He says trying to lay me back down.
"This", drawing a circle around both of us with my hands "we shouldn't be doing this. I'm sorry"
"wow. Ok", the guy said with a voice kind of hurt but more filled with anger, "thanks for wasting my time" and with that he finished putting on his shirt, that he had taken of the moment we entered the room, and left.
Damn. That did not go as I thought it was going to go. I sat there thinking a little bit about what just happened. I was still drunk but I think it was slowly starting to fade as I was able to think about the choices I was making now.

I exit the room and my eyes immediately land on jack as he start to gather his things together.
"Hey" I said starting to approach him.
"Hi" He didn't lift his eyes from his shoes as he was tying them.
"Where are you going" I asked.
"Home" He said now standing up and looking at me dead in the face. His face was emotionless. It was so monotone. It almost made me sad.
"Oh. Why?" I thought everyone was having a good time.
"I don't want to be here anymore" he said still so emotionless.
"Oh ok" I took a pause then said "you know you're really pretty" with my hand caressing his cheek. Ah shit. I'm still drunk. That's the alcohol talking.
"Thanks" He said with a chuckle and a smile appeared for a moment but faded almost immediately.
"Bye see you at the house" and with that jack opened the door and left.
"Bye" I said even though he was already gone.

I was wasn't too sure as to were I was going. I was going to call an Uber but I needed to clear my head and I figured a walk would work better. I know we didn't live that far because the drive was literally like five minutes away (I know that's completely wrong but it's a fan fiction, Emphasis on the fiction so yeah). The more I walked the more the thoughts replayed itself in my head. The previous event crept in my mind and was stuck on repeat. I couldn't get rid of the thoughts and I soon realized I was running now. My eyes were glazed over with new coming tears as my brain was clouded with that dude kissing zach and him calling me pretty and so many mixed emotions I didn't even know what was going on anymore. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I was running to god knows where with tears streaming down my cheeks and my head was spinning.

it was now 11:56 and we were just about ready to leave. There were still a couple of people in the living room and backyard dancing but many have left including jack. Daniel and Jonah still seemed to be enjoying themselves but me and Zach were in one of the rooms just on our phones waiting for one of the boys to come in and say we were leaving.
"You're drunk huh?" I blurred out suddenly.
"W-what. Noooooo" zach said while playing with his thumbs. That's how I knew he was lying. I just looked at him with a Stern face and he broke.
"Ok fine. I WAS. But I'm not anymore. Please don't tell the others"
"Why??! Why would you be so stupid" I slightly yelled at him.
"It's a party! Look I know why you're upset but Logan insisted and we were having fun so why not" he said in all seriousness.
"Why not?! Because you're 15 zach! That's why not" I said a but calmer.
"I said I'm sorry ok. It won't happen again" he said with a worried face.
"It better not. Or else I will tell the others. You're lucky I'm in a good mood" I said while laying back down on the bed.
"so why did jack leave" he said trying to change the subject. He was still sitting down.
"I don't know. He said he was tired"
"Oh come on. I highly doubt he left because he was 'tired'. And you and me both know that" he said putting quotation marks around tired.
"Idk. He seemed kinda upset about something. Maybe he saw something or something happened that upset him and changed his mood completely"

Zach was about to say something when Daniel barged into the room with Jonah behind them.
"Omg. We've been lookin for you! Did you get the call!" Daniel said slightly out of breath.
"What call?" Zach responded for the both of us.

"Jack got hit by a car"
😱😱😱 omgggggg. Ok, you guys are going to absolutely hate me for this but I cant upload tomorrow. I will probably on Tuesday bc I'm getting my teeth pulled out (again) and I will be home all day so I'll have time. Anywaysssss thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Byeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1239

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