Part 26: The escape plan

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CRAP CRAP CRAP. How THE HELL am I going to get out of this one. I realized that I just had to wait until they left.

"So any plans for today ? Are you ever going to call the boys again ?" Ryan asked.

"I don't think so. This trip was to clear my head. I don't need any of the boys trying to ruin that. Why wanted to do something with your big brother?" Zach stated.

"Look Zach. I love you but I've got a life. And just because you have nothing to do. Freedom is calling me. I'm going out today with my friends" Ryan said.

"Alright. Well that's fine. I'll just hit up my friends from here too then" Zach said.

After that was said a door was swung open and the voices stopped so I assumed that they left. I put my hoodie on so that I wasn't as recognizable. As I stepped out of the stall and started walking out I hear a voice through the door.

"I forgot my ring hold up"

Shit Ryan's coming back. I freaked out and before I could hid the door swung open. I just turned around and started pretending to using the urinal.

Ryan walked in and grabbed his ring. I turned around thinking he had left but instead bumped into him.

"Oh sorry" I said in a deeper voice that sounded so stupid. I washed my hands.

"You're good.. man" Ryan said sounding confused. He looked up into the mirror and made eye contact.

"Oh my god.. Wait 'til Zach gets a load of this" Ryan said about to leave.

"Wait not" I exclaimed before putting a hand above his mouth and grabbing him. I pulled him into stall and locked it before letting him go.

"You can't tell Zach at all. I know I fucked up but please Ryan, I came here to fix it"

"You really love my brother don't you" ryan said a bit in awe.

"Yes I do. Very much and I can't lose him. I know I fucked up but there's no way I'm giving up on Zach that easy. Please can you just make sure he stays home for a while I was about to go to your house actually" I said while messing with my hands nervously.

"*sigh* yeah sure I guess. But I'm telling you now. If this doesn't work, because you did break him, you leave and you treat him just like any other band mate. He is no longer your boyfriend and you have to accept that because it's your fault" Ryan said straight up. I guess I deserved it too.

"Okay. Deal. I leave the moment that happens, but it never hurts to try" I said.

"Ok well I gotta go then" Ryan leaves out the bathroom and I just stay there thinking about all the possible outcomes. What if he's right? What if I never get him back? I don't want that. I love that boy and I'm willing to fight for him.

I leave the bathroom and go up to the counter where my food had been waiting for a while. My hood was still up. One of the ladies yelled out "28" and I hear Zach say "that's ours" I grab my food and quickly walk out the store. I just started walking any direction because I was not about to confess my love for Zach in a freaking McDonald's.

~time skip dedicated by my wifey sydnie avery~
Omg you've been sitting in this car for 25 minutes now. Just go ring the door bell. Ok fine. After I gained the balls to get out my car it really hit me that I'm about to bombard Zach's entire family. Oo this seems like a really bad idea. Ok ok just go for it.

WAIT I just had a better idea.

I pulled out my phone and called Ryan.

"Ryan I need you to let me in without anyone knowing" I tell him.

"Are you actually clinically insane. What's your plan after that? Wait to murder zach in his sleep at midnight?"

"Omg no. I just don't want to make a scene in front of your parents" I insist.

"Ok ok fine, be ready."

after a few minutes the door swings open and Ryan is standing in front rushing me in.

"Who's at the door?" I hear his mom speak from the bedroom.

"No one just picking up a package mom" Ryan response continuing to force me up the steps.

"Ok so you can stay here, in my room, until you figure out what you're gonna say or do without making a fool out of yourself. And remember our deal. If you lose you're going home." Ryan sits back down on his bed while the movie continues on his tv.

After a moment to myself I turn around and walk straight to Zach's room. He's sitting at his desk that faces against the window, away from the door. I close the door quickly behind me and then knock on it to get his attention.

"Please don't scream!" I said as he turns around slowly with the most shocked look on his face.

"I'm- wha- how- why are you here?!" He says with a raised voice. I can hear the anger in his voice. I'm usually really good at reading people's faces but his is very confusing right now. I don't know if he's happy or upset or scared. I don't know what to do, like my mind went blank.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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