Part 9: sanitary and sterile

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"jack got hit by a car" the moment those words left Jonah's mouth I felt like my life was over. I didn't know how to react. Everything started to spin and I felt tears escape my eyes slowly but continuously. This is all my fault. I should've went with his or made him stay. I could've stopped him but I didn't and this happen.

"What do you mean he got hit by a car" corbyn said with slight tears brimmed on his eyelids as he had his arms around me trying to comfort me.
" apparently he walked home and on the way he got hit by a drunk driver. Luckily the driver was going 25 mph so he's not in any critical condition but they did say he was unconscious because of the contact with his head and the floor. He was taken to the *insert hospital name*.
"With that I got up and just started to run to the car. I start trying to drink but my hands were so shaky and my face was now drenched in tears there was no way I was driving there in one piece and they all knew that. Jonah just put a hand on my shoulder and I knew that meant for me to get out and I get into the back seat. Jonah starts driving with Daniel in the passenger and me and Corbyn in the back. We drive in silence. No music, no talking, no nothing. And I just looked out the window thinking about how I could've preventing this all. The more I think the more solutions I create to stop him. None of with make sense but they were solutions. I soon see the glowing hospital sign and we go and park. I immediately start in a full on sprint running into the hospital and up to the receptionist.
"Excuse me miss, Is jack Avery here?" I said a bit out of breath.
"And you are?" She said.
I'm his boyfriend "I'm his best friend and band mate" I said instead.
"I'm sorry but immediately family only" she said as she looked back at her computer.
"Wait.. and his... boyfriend" I was willing to say anything to get me into that room.
"Room 254. Turn left on second hallway and you'll see it there" she said handing me a sticker.
"thank you!" I said running down the hallway. I nearly ran into an old man but i mean, he was in my way so.

When I get in I see him laying in the bed. A breathing tube in his nose and an IV drip attached to his right arm. He also had a couple of other things on his fingers and arms to monitor his heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

Seeing him like this broke my heart. I didn't care what happened to me I knew that I would do anything for this boy and if that meant treating my life for him then I would. He looked so helpless and I didn't know what I could or should do.

I pulled up a chair on the side of his bed and grab his hand. I start rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand as I feel tears come down my cheek.
"Hey jack. I'm here" I said as I try my best to not cry.
"You're doing great baby. I'm going to need you to wake up now" I waited a couple seconds nothing.
"Come on jack. You need to open your eyes now. Everyone's worried" complete silence. The noises of the machines and our steady breathing will the room. 
"Please jack. Please wake up. I can't do this without you" I was now completely balling my eyes out. What if he never wakes up? What if he wakes up but he doesn't know who I am, or how to talk?
I didn't want to believe all of that but those thoughts started flooding my mind and I just wanted my jack back.

~time skip bc I'm lazy~

It's now 3:50 in the morning and jack still hasn't woken up. The doctor said that it might take a while even though everything was ok with him. They made sure to monitor his vitals. I stayed by his side the entire time. The boys kept texting and calling me. Mostly asking me how I got in. But I couldn't tell them. They also told me to come and talk to them but I swore to jack and myself that I wouldn't leave his side.
"Hey jack they came back in to check on you. They said you're doing fine.. again. I haven't left, like I promised you. Can you please wake up now?" I said one last time and I waited until I was given a sign. I just needed something, a squeeze on my hand, a blink, a toe wiggle, I needed something. I waited for hours and he still wasn't awake yet. I didn't know what else to do. I had to go home.
"I need to go home now buba, can you please wake up. Tell me  you don't want me to go and i won't. Give me a sign and I'll stay. You just gotta do something baby" nothing.

I soon got up and started to walk out the door when I hear it. It was almost like a whisper. Well more like a squeak. I turned around so fast with tears in the brims of my eyes. And I saw it. He's eyes started to open sightly.

I ran back to his side and he started to try to say something.
"No, no jack. Don't talk it's ok. You're ok" tears were now falling down my cheeks but I didn't know if it was happiness or from being scared.
"No. Stop jack." "CAN SOMEONE HELP PLEASE. NURSE" I didn't know what else to do. I just grabbed his hand and squeezed it leaving him a warm feeling. And he squeezed mine back. I couldn't believe this. He's ok and I was just so happy.

The nurse so came in and made sure everything was ok. And he was. She's said he was perfectly perfect and I believed her. They wanted to keep him here for one more night just to make sure everything was ok. But I promised him that I wouldn't leave his side and I don't break promises.
"Hey jack. You're going to be ok" I said after a few more hours. It was now almost two in the afternoon.
"Thank you zach" he said before  falling back asleep. This is truly a miracle.

I would be now where without him

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 1k READS OMG THATS INSANE. thank you so much to everyone that reads my story and enjoys it. I'm truly grateful for all of you. Ok I know I said I would update yesterday but I was really busy. I had a report and an essay and school cr*p so yeah. Sorry. But thanks again and I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
P.s. fun fact, my brother unknowingly named this chapter

Word count: 1188

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