Part 21: history repeats

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"I CANT BELIEVE YOU THINK IS OK JACK! NOTHING IS OK RIGHT NOW" zach yelled at me from across our room.

"Babe I already told-"

I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID JACK AND DONT BABE ME RIGHT NOW" he continued with his voice raised.

"I don't know what you want me to say. I already told you it was a mistake. A very stupid, ignorant, drunken mistake and it won't happen again" I tried.

"Obviously it's not going to happen again" he started tearing up, "you slept with someone else, we haven't even slept together yet. Do you realize how big that is for me jack" he paused. I felt so scared for what came next I thought I was going to throw up.

"I don't think I can't do this anymore. I'm done jack" he left as I heard the now faint cries descend down the stairs and out the house. I don't know what to do now

Two days prior

"Hey guys, I just got off the phone with Logan and he's throwing a party for god knows why and we're invite" Jonah stated as he walked into the living room that held me, Zach, Daniel and Corbyn.

"I don't think so" corbyn said into Daniel who he was cuddled with on the opposite couch.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun" Jonah argued.

Yeah, sorry Jonah but I agree with corbyn. Nothing even goes good when we go to a Logan Paul party" zach said slightly looking up at me.

"Look what happened last time isn't going to happen again because jack is going to stay with you the entire time, right jack?" Jonah sternly looked at me.

"Um yeah of course. I won't leave your side babe" I said smiling at him and pecking him on the lips.

"So it's settled. We're going to the party" Jonah said walking out of the room, "GO GET READY WERE LEAVIG IN AN HOUR".


Look, I love Logan. He's like a big brother to me but sometimes he's just not the best person in the world. And his parties do help.

I get up and grab jack's hand while pulling him up into our room. I was in desperate need of him right now and I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything later.

"Zach, what's going on. What are you doi-" I cut him off but placing my lips on his as we get into the room.

At this point he has caught on to what is going on and he takes off his shirt without me having to ask or tell him. I do the same with my clothes leaving both of us in only our boxers.

He has now taken the dominant role, which I do not mind, and pushes me on to the bed as he starts to work his way down my neck. I can feel his teeth graze over the marks that are now starting to fade.

"Hey Guys, do you have- OMG I AM SO SORRY" corbyn bursts into our room causing me to get super red and practically fall off the bed. While all this is happening jack thought it was very entertaining and did nothing but just lay there staring at me and corbyn.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything that was happening. I was just wondering if you had my gray sweater but it's not important anymore" Corbyn stated with only the smallest crack of the door open so he could talk. He then closed it and I heard footsteps walk away.

I looked over at jack who was trying his best not to laugh but was failing miserably.

"Where were we?" Jack said as he tried to climb back on top of me.

"I was just about to get ready for the party" I stated as I slid off the bed and walked towards the dresser.

"Oh come on. That's no far" he  whined while still on the bed.

"Come on we have to get ready. Are you going to shower first or am I" I ask as I walk towards the bathroom slowly.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm. You will" jack says. I just step into the bathroom as my response.

~time skip dedicated by jacks new braids(that are now gone)~

After we had finally got ready and picked who was driving we made it safely to the house. The moment we stepped in the smell of booze and B.O. hit right away. I gripped jacks arm tighter afraid of something happening to him. The last time we were at a party, well I don't need to remind anyone of that. 

"I'm going to go tell Logan we're here. Have fun and don't drink too much" Jonah says I'm having bad déjà vu

And with that he disappeared into the sea of people. I walked into the direction of the kitchen to hopefully find something to drink that doesn't have pure hell in it. Last time I drank things didn't go good. I made sure I had jack next to me as we raided his kitchen in search of a soda can.

When we didn't find anything jack just grabbed two red solo cups and filled them with whatever substance was in the pitcher on the counter.

"I don't really wanna drink" I told jack as he handed me a cup.

"Come on babe. Have a little fun. One cup is not going to hurt you" he screamed, trying to be louder than the music that was blasting through the entire house.

I finally gave in a took a sip of the red liquid that was in the cup. The moment it touched my lips I knew it wasn't going to be good for either of us.

"Hey Im going to go play beer pong with Daniel. Wanna come?" Jack whispered into my ear.

As much as I didnt not like the idea of jack with Daniel I had to get out of this house and I knew jack wasn't going to leave. I mean, Daniel wouldn't let him get hurt right? "Ok, PLEASE be safe and if you need me I'm going to be outside. Don't leave and pace yourself ok?"

"Ok. I will" he said, "hey, I love you" said as I was about to leave.

"I love you too" i said. As I walked out the back door

~time skip dedicated by 2015 Corbyn Besson~

I was still on my third drink when an hour had passed and jack wasn't answering my calls so I decided to go look for him.

"Hey jonah, have you seen Jack" I asked a very drunk Jonah.

"PPPHhHhhffff. Nooo" he chuckled out.

"Thanks, you're useless" I said  as I walked away and spotted corbyn talking to a couple of other people.

"Corbs, have you seen jack" I asked.

"He went upstairs. I thought he was looking for you" a slightly drunk corbyn answer.

"Thanks" and with that I walked upstairs scanning each room.

I finally got to the last room hopping he was there. As I opened the door I saw a very naked jack asleep next to..


Damn I'm a horrible person. Anyway, IM BACK.. kinda. I've been going through a lot in he past month and I know I kinda just disappeared but I'll try to update a bit more often. Um two things
1. I was wondering if anyone wanted to make me a better book cover bc I think mine looks really crappy
And 2. I was wondering how many people would actually read a poem book if I published one

I've been into poetry for the past like years and I've been writing a collection of poems but I didn't know if anyone would actually read it. Give me your opinion and tell me what you think. Oh and sorry for the cliff hanger. Comment who you think it is. anyways byeeeeeee

W.c: 1320

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