Part 25: night terrors

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm that was set for 1 am. I'm sure none of the boys are going to be awake right now but I made sure just in case. I went downstairs to "get a drink of water" and looked around but I heard all three boys snoring in the room beside me. I grabbed that last of the things I probably needed along with some of zachs clothes just in case he wanted then and headed out for my flight around 1:25 am.

The Uber took about 25 minutes since I'm quite far from lax but it's late so no one is going to be there. I actually ran into a few fans but because I didn't post about it or anything it was only a handful. They were really sweet and asked where I was going but I didn't want to tell them everything that's going own so I just said to go visit family.

After I finished talking to them I checked my phone for zachs address from when we stayed with him from tour and I was surprised I still had it. I remember meeting is parents for the first time. I was so scared they wouldn't like me for some reason and I wasn't even with Zach. He mom was so sweet and his dad was so funny. I wanted them to like me so bad that I even bought Ryan some new games just to see him happy. And of course I bought Reese a couple new toys even though Zach got mad at me for doing it. You should've seen the look on her face though. She was so happy and I made me excited to have a daughter one day.

By the time it was boarding time it was around 1:45 so I would get to Texas about 5 ish. I don't want to wake up anyone so imma stay in a hotel for the night. I haven't really thought this out but we're just going to wing it. I just- I can't lose zach. Not this time. Not ever. I love him and I need him to know that or I might literally die.

After a while I started getting sleepy on the plane so I decided to take a nap. I think that'll help and also make me stop thinking about things.

~Time skip dedicated by Ava Stanford because she is a fine ass girl 🤧~

When I wake up I heard the fight attendant say we'd be landing in about ten minutes so I started gathering all my stuff and fixing my area so I can get off this damn plane.

After I finally got off the plane and waited for my Uber, I saw a couple more fans asking why I was in Texas but I just told them 'pitstop'. I finished talking to them and took my Uber to the hotel near Zach's house. I didn't want to sleep because so many thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't get them to stop. My hotel room was nice but it felt lonely so I texted my best friend.

Hey ashley... you up?

Yeah I'm always up. I'm like an owl. Lmao why? Something wrong?

So remember when you said you though me and Zach were dating??

Are you guys dating ?!1?1?

Wellll.. we were, but then I did something stupid and he went back to Texas bc he was mad so now were not but then I did something stupid and followed him to Texas. So now I'm here. At a hotel. 5 minutes from his house, at 5:38 am :))

Are you a crack addict??? Wtf is wrong with you??!1?1! Like that's lowkey cute af. Like get you a manz like that but that's highkey stupid af. Idk what you want me to say man. You're already there

Do you think I messed up??

Yes. But you can't turn back now. Go get your boyfriend back. But like in a couple of hours. Right now you should probably go to sleep because you have a lot ahead of you tomorrow.

Ooo you right. I'll go to sleep now. Thanks Ashe. You always know what to say.

No problem jack-o-lantern

After I got that figured out I decided to get a few hours of sleep before I try to go get Zach back.

~Time skip dedicated by the scratchy bump on my head rn lel~

When I finally woke up it was about 9:34 am. I checked my phone to see texts from the boys but I knew I couldn't tell them what I had done. They're literally going to kill me.

I finally got up from the bed and went to go get my fresh pair of clothes for the day and my toothbrush and toothpaste. As I was picking out my clothes I caught a whiff of zach's smell. Not in the weirdo-creepy stalker way but just his scent. The way he smells every time I hug him. Or when we're laying down together and i feel him move around and that smell fills my nose.

Anyway I go to the shower and after I come out I freshen up. I didn't wanna cook anything mainly because I didn't feel like it so I took my ass to the closest McDonald's and decided to get some breakfast over there. I ordered an Uber for ten minutes while I grabbed my wallet and put a pair of his clothes in my backpack. You never know when you want a fresh pair of pants to wear. They're his favorite pair too.

No Uber finally arrived so I get in and go to the nearest McDonald's after I get out I ordered a few things and go to the restroom. I don't always feel comfortable using the urinals so I went to the stalls. While I'm doing my business I hear two Very familiar voices talking.

Oh my god. It's Zach and Ryan

It's been a while peeps but I'm back. I left for my mental health bc it started getting really bad but I can say I'm ok now and I'll definitely be getting back into this :)) oh how I missed y'all

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