Part 24: loud cries

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"did he answer?!" I asked Jonah frantically.

"No jack. For the tenth time, If he answers my calls or any of the boys calls you'll be the first to know" Jonah reassured me.

"Thanks jo but I know I don't deserve this, any of it" i stated as I walked back up into my shared room with Zach. Or at least it used to be shared with him. Damn, I really messed up this time. I hurt zach in the most unimaginable way possible and I could never take this back. I just hope he's safe.

I called Zach again for what seemed like that 100th time and it immediately went to voicemail.

"Hey baby, it's me again. *sigh* I don't know why I'm waiting for you to say something like you're talking to me but we're all really worried about where you are. I know I really messed up this time but I need to know you're alright. I need to know you're safe where ever you are. Please call me or text me or any of the boys and just update us. I love you, so much" and I hung up.

After a good 10 more calls and a whole bunch of texts i heard someone come into my room. Since I was laying down on the bed face down, I couldn't see who had walked in and quite frankly I didn't care who it was unless it was Zach.

"Jack can I talk to you". The moment I heard that voice I felt my blood boil. I knew it wasn't entirely his fault but I was too coward to admit it was my fault.

"No! Get the hell out of my room! This is all our fault!" I screamed not caring who heard me, " because of you I lost one of the best things to ever happen to me! One of the most important people in my life is out there by themselves with nothing but what they have in their pockets and it's all because of you!"

"Jack I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" Daniel started but I cut him off again.

"You're not sorry! If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place. You did this to get back at him. You did this to make him suffer. You couldn't bare the idea of me and him being happy together so you had to ruin it" at this point the tears started to form in his eyes but I didn't stop and I know I should've but I couldn't. I was so agree I just continued yelling, " you took advantage of me and let me sleep with you. You couldn't help yourself could you? You just had to take the chance"

I heard the boys coming up the stairs but I didn't stop there, "you hurt zach and you can never take it back. He's never going to forgive you for what you did to him. You ruined the one thing that made you happy on this earth. You took one of the most precious things in the world and you crushed him. How could you do this to him? How could you just let yourself hurt him?" by the time the boys got up the stairs I had realized a couple things. 1. I was crying really hard, 2. Daniel just stood there and let me yell these cruel things to him and 3. I wasn't yelling to Daniel, I was yelling at myself. I was so angry at myself for hurting zach I tried to blame someone else but I couldn't. I knew all of this was my fault. The boys just stood at the doorway watching everything go down, "you hurt him! How could you do this to him. How could you destroy him like this?" As i broke down my voice got lower and lower then Daniel ran over to me and hugged me. I dragged us both to the ground as I just sobbed into his chest on the floor. Soon the bother two boys were hugging me too. For a good 5 minutes we stayed in the same position on my bedroom floor as I cried and cried until I drifted to sleep in their arms.

~ time skip dedicated by sydnie Avery bc she's my wife~

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up I saw darkness outside my window and i assumed it was night time. I noticed my hunger by the noises my stomach was making so I headed downstairs and into the kitchen where I found Jonah making chicken with some rice. We love mama jo.

"Oh perfect timing. Dinner is ready. Can you set out the plates please?" Jonah asked with his eyes still on the food.

"Yeah sure" I said as I lazily walked to the cupboard to get out the plates.

"When you're done there's that ice pack thingy for your puffy eyes that zach bought you a while ago in the freezer. I put it there if you want it" he said pointing to the fridge with his spatula. I mentally cringed at the mention of his name.

"Great thanks" I whispered out as I opened the freezer and put the mask thing on.

Jonah served us and forced us all to eat on the table so there was a bit of awkward tension as we ate. We were all in the middle of our meals before corbyn spoke.

"Um jack," he paused to make sure he had my attention before continuing, "I'm not sure if the other boys said something already but Zach texted me telling me that everything's alright and that he's back home" as he finished i was overcome with a whole bunch of questions.

"Wait what do you mean he's home?This is his home. And why did he text you and not mean? Is he safe? Did he say anything about me?" I started asking question but was stopped by Jonah.

"Hey, hey he's alright. That's all that matters. By home he means texas with his family. I'm sure he just need some time away from all of La"

"Yeah you're right I guess" i started before scarfing down my food and saying my quick thanks. I ran up the stairs, opened my laptop, and found the next flight to Texas.

I'm going to get Zach back
This update is for all of you that are harassing me. IM SORRY OK. HERE CHILDREN, FEED. Do you guys think it's a good idea for Jack to go after Zach? How do you this jack is handling all of this? So many questions. Such little time. Anyway BYEEEEEEEEEEE

Wc: 1123

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