Part 5: time alone

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I woke up to the sound of the shower turning on. I flutter my eyes open as i see a beautiful face in front of me, quite close to my face I might add. I smile and just close my eyes and rest my head onto his chest again. After a few minutes I feel him moving under me which cause me to lift my head off of him.
" morning" he said in a husky morning voice. God he was so sexy.
"Morning" I said as I get up and stretch. I let out an accidental squeal.
"That was the most adorable noise I've ever hear" jack said as I blushed.
"Shut up" i said while playfully pushing him.
"So you ok?" He asked in a serious tone.
"Yeah why?" I said sorta confused.
"Well last night you said you couldn't sleep. Is there something on your mind?" Now's your chance zach. Tell him that you like him.
"No. I was just in need of cuddles" idiot.
"Oh ok"
It wasn't weird for us to do that. I mean we all need attention once and a while so I came up with that excuse. As we finish talking Daniel comes out of the shower and just looks at us. Kinda like he's annoying. But jack doesn't seem to notice.
"Morning danny" jack says. Daniels smile appears as he says that.
Morning Daniel" I said with a smile.
"Morning" he says at me with no smile. Hmm well ok then.
"Um.. I'm going to go down stairs"
"Me too" jack said following me. It made me a bit happier knowing he chose to stay with me instead of Danny. We walked do stairs and into the kitchen. I looked at jack and asked if he was hungry. He just nodded so I poured us both a bowl of cereal bc I was too lazy to cook a real meal. Daniel later came down and ate cereal too.
"Jack, wanna go to a skate park with me later" Daniel asked JUST jack.
"Um sure. Zach, you wanna come?" Jack asked but before I could decline the offer Daniel spoke.
"Um.. I don't think you should come. There's going to be a lot of like. REALLY GOOD skaters there and no offense but I don't think you're at the level of efficiency, for lack of words" Daniel blurred out. I felt offended. Not because he called me bad. I mean. I am bad. Extremely but the fact that he had no faith in me. Like ouch.
"Oh.. um ok. That's fine. I'll just stay here" I said looking down at my phone.
"Oh. I think I'm going to stay here with Zach" jack said which you could tell slightly annoyed Daniel. It was a sweet gesture but I don't want to be the reason he doesn't have fun.
" no. Go jack. Have fun. It's ok, i mean I'll be here when you come back so no worries" jack looked at me with slightly sorry eyes.
"Ok" he just said. Daniel looked a bit surprised that I let him go. But I just shook it off and continued to look at my phone.
After Daniel went up to go get ready jack came down to the living room. "Are you sure you don't wanna come" he said to me with a little frown.
"No. I'm good. I got my chips and THE FOSTERS. I chilling" I said trying to lighten the mood even thought I didn't want him to go.
"Ok" he said looking down.
"Cheer up! Why you so sad huh?" I said as I began to tickle him. "HUH?" I said a bit louder as he started to laugh. "Stop it zach! Stop. I'm going to pee!" I stopped as we both tried to catch our breath from laughing to hard. I was now laying on top of him using my arms that were placed on the couch to the sides of him to hold my weight. I just starred at him for a bit as his finished laugh. I can't believe I'm doing this. I start to lean in. We were inches away from kissing when..
"Jack you ready?" Of course. I've gotten so used to someone ruining it I was kinda waiting for it to happen.
"Y-yeah. I'm ready" he said from under me. I let him get up as I sat back down.
"Ok we'll be back. Bye guys" Daniel said while walking out the door with jack. And just like that he left. No what am I going to do for the next 4 hours.

~time skip dedicated by zachs sexiness~

Around 9:46 jack can in saying "it's whatever Danny. Let it go" then walked up into his room. Something happened and I'm going to find out what happened. But I knew I couldn't ask Daniel bc he wouldn't tell me and jack shouldn't be approached when angry. I learned the hard way last time. After a while everything calmed down. I'm guessing Daniel apologized for whatever he did and everyone was in the living room watching tv. I normal would be snuggled into jack if we were watching anything but when I looked over at him he saw cuddling with Daniel. I'm not going to lie I was very jealous and kinda salty but like I've said before it's not a weird thing to do. We all do it. So I couldn't really be mad.
"I'm getting a bit tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep" jack said while standing up. You could tell that made Daniel a bit sad.
"Um.. me too. I'm getting a bit tired" Daniel said following jack up the stairs. This can't be good/.
"Ok. Goodnight guys" Jonah said.
"Actually. I'm tired too" I said.
"'Night" corbyn said.


"Awe shit. I forgot to tell the others about the interview tomorrow" I then proceeded to walk up the stairs. I first walk into my shared room with Zach and Jonah but I don't see him in there. I just thought he was in the bathroom or something. So I proceed to Daniel and jacks room. And as i open the door I couldn't believe what I saw...

Not only did I blue ball you guys with a jachary kiss but I left you with a cliff hanger too! Sorry not sorry. Anyways I got two teeth pulled out and i almost fainted because of that damn needle. I hate needles. But I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. BYEEEEEEEEEEE

Word count: 1098

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