Part 4: perfect timing

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When we got to the beach and found a place to put our stuff down I tapped jack and said "I'll race you to the water" as I started running. He didn't say I word. All he did was run after me. As we were running I tripped over something but when I look. IT WAS HIS FOOT. WHAT A LITTLE CHEATER. Without even thinking about it I grabbed his foot and he fell too. When I got to him I sat on top of him.
"Your such a little cheater"
"It was an accident" he said with a slight smirk.
"No. You just felt threatened because you knew I would've won"
"No. Now get of off me"
Then for a moment. Everything thing went quiet. All you could hear were jacks little giggles and the cute smile to match it. And I don't know who started leaning in first but before you knew it our lips were so close. It was happening. I was going to kiss jack aver-
"What are you guys doing?"
"Uh..Nothing. Jack was just admitting that he knew I would've won if he didn't trip me" I said looking over at Jonah as I got off of jack.
"No i wasn't. I did it for fun" jack said with a little chuckle while he got up.
"Um ok. Well go have some fun. We're leaving at 6" jonah said while walking to where our stuff was.
Without saying a word I just turned to the water and began running again.
"Hey! That's cheating!" Jack yelled.
I stand at the edge of the water and wait 'til he comes. When he does all I say is "no. It's winning" and i stepped into the water. Jack just busted out laughing which made me laugh.

After a while of being stupid zach started splashing at me. It was the cutest thing ever because he had this huge smile plastered on his face as he watched for my reaction. All I did was grab him and picked him up bridal style as I spun with him in my arms. All I could hear was his giggles and the splashes of the water hitting my legs every so often. It was perfect. And everything just stopped. And i don't know who started to lean in but we were inches away from kissing each other and this time. This time I wasn't going to let anything ruin i-
"Jonah says we have to go back now- jack. What are you doing?"
"Nothing. We were just messing around" I tell Daniel while putting zach down.
"I look over at zach and he has a slightly darker shade of pink on his cheek. Almost like he was blushing. I couldn't really tell because he's normally for pink. I just brushed it off and started to walk with the two boys to the little spot we were set up at. I grabbed my stuff and so did the boy and we headed over to the house. Like 20 minutes into the drive Corbyn was asleep and zach started to fall asleep as well. I knew his neck would hurt if he fell asleep in the position he was in so I just tapped his shoulder and patted mine. He knew exactly what I meant because he just rested his head into my neck and fell asleep. I fell asleep with my head onto of his.

~time skip dedicated by Daniels tooth gap~

When we got to the house corbyn woke me and zach up and it was around 8:45. I wasn't really tired due to the nap I just took but zach was so he started to go up the stairs.

I was walking up the stairs until I realized that I probably wasn't going to be able to sleep so I just walked back down stairs to the boys and sat down on the Love sack we have. I saw Daniel and jack laughing at something on their phone. I don't know why but I started to feel this bone aching feeling. Almost like jealousy but not quite. I then watch as Daniel goes and puts his hand on jacks knee. No no. No no no. I don't like that one bit. So I did the only logical solution and walked over to that they were doing and sat on jacks lap.
"Watcha guys laughing about" I said as they both looked at me sorta confused. Jack didn't say anything but I knew something about me doing that bothered Daniel. I could see it in his now dark blue eye.
"Just this video I was showing jack" he said as he turned off his phone.
"Oh ok"
"Um.. I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to go to bed" jack stated as he slowly started moving under me.
I took that as a gesture for me to get up. So I did.
"Ok. Goodnight" I said to jack
"I think I'm going to bed too." Daniel said. I kinda don't like the fact that they share a bedroom because there are things that can happen. And one might happen now.
Ok. Goodnight Daniel" i said.
They both head up to they're room. After a while I started to feel tired too. So I walked up to my bedroom, got changed and layer down in my bed. I was alone since Jonah was still downstairs watching some show and corbyn was in the dining area probably playing league or FaceTiming Christina. After a few different sleeping positions I realized that I couldn't fall asleep. But I didn't know why. Until I realized that I fell asleep with jack yesterday. That's what's missing. I was going to go into his room until I realize that i don't really have a reason to tell jack f he asks. I mean I could tell him the truth, that I can't sleep without him. I decided to just get up and go to him room hoping he doesn't ask why.
I open the door and i hear soft snores coming from both Daniel and jack. They're both in separate beds so that gives me and idea that nothing happened. Thank god. I walk over to jack and start getting into his bed, hoping not to wake him. I realized I failed as I hear him said
"Zach? Is everything ok?" Jack asked in a tired voice.
"Yeah. I just.. um.. couldn't sleep. So i was wondering if I could sleep with you?" Jack doesn't say anything. All he does is wrap his arms around me as he pulls me closer to his body. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his chest. Everything felt so nice and calming. I was finally able to sleep. I could get used to this.

I want this to last forever
Y'all. I had the strangest dream ever. Me and Jonah were in the zombie apocalypse together and we fell in love. Yeah. That happened. But anyways. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I might update tomorrow if I'm in a writing mood. Who knows. Byeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1227

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