Part 18: You idiot

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JONAHS POV (surprise surprise)

"BOYS WERE HOMEEEE" corbyn yells out as it echoes through out the house. I slapped him in the back of his head.

"Are you dumb. Jacks probably asleep since he was sick. You're an idiot" I tell him as I talked up to the stairs to make sure they weren't doing anything i didn't want to know let alone the others to know.

I was walking up the stairs as I heard some shuffling going on in jack's room. Oh god please don't be what I think. I walked ever so slowly into the hallway and opened the door as I saw Zach putting on some pants. At that moment he saw me.

"OMG JONAH" he whisper yelled at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I said closing the door before Zach walked out shutting it behind him.

"What are you doing?" Zach asked as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Well we're home and I didn't want them catching you guys doing stuff we don't wanna see" I said.

"Well we weren't doing anything. We were sleeping until I heard corbyn's loud ass scream which caused me to fall out of the bed" zach said as I tried my best to hold back my laugh.

"Well then why didn't you have pants on" I said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"We um- well I- you know. It's none of your business" he stuttered.

"SO YOU GUYS DID DO IT" I whisper yelled so the boys didn't hear me and jack didn't wake.

"No jonah. We didn't have sex ok. Doesn't mean we didn't do something else" he said the last part under his breath but I heard it still.

"Omg. Ok well I don't want to know what other things you guys did. Still doesn't answer my question. Why didn't you have pants on?" I said crossing my arms over my chest now.

"I just fell asleep with only jacks hoodie on so I didn't want you guys to think anything if you saw me with only boxers that you wouldn't be able to see under the oversized sweater" I said as he walked down the stairs.

"Mmm ok" i said following him down the stairs.

"Hey guys. What's up" Zach greeted the other boys that were looking for something to eat since we didn't eat at the studio.

"Hey zach, hows jack? Is he ok now?" daniel asked just a little too concerned.

"Ummm yeah.. he's fine. I made him chicken soup and I think that did the trick" he said with a confused face at Daniel. I think he noticed the same thing I did.

"Oh ok that's good. Where is he? I wanna go see?" Daniel said with the same excitement as before.

"Dani. He's ok. He's sleeping right now. That's why I'm here, because if he weren't sleeping we'd probably be-" I kicked him before he continued that sentence knowing it would get him in trouble.

"Out here with you guys or playing Xbox on the couch" he finished after looking at me.

"Wait wait. You made jack soup? Do you even know how to work a microwave?" Corbyn asked with a smug smile on his face.

"Yes I do. Jack taught me but fine I bought him chicken soup. But same difference right?" Zach said with a little chuckle. We all startled to laugh except dani. Daniel on the other hand didn't laugh. In fact he seemed kind of annoyed with the younger boy and corbyn seemed to notice too due to the whisper to the his ear and Daniels mood change. What's wrong with him.

"Um Im going to go to sleep. Goodnight gu-" Daniel was about to say before Zach cut him off.

"Oh um Daniel can you sleep in my bed tonight? I really don't want to wake jack up. He needed to sleep. I'll sleep on the couch" zach said which only seemed to annoy the boy even farther.

"Um well I don't thi-" Daniel was cut off again but this time by a muffled voice. One that sounded like it said babe? Oh no.

"Babeeeeeee" it said quite louder. I shot a look straight at zach that had panic in his eyes.

"Ohhhhh loooooookkk jacks awake. I'll go check on him" zach said as he ran as fast as his little legs could go.

"What did he say? It almost sounded like he said babe?" Corbyn asked looking between me and Daniel. Daniel seemed to take interest in this because he now had a smirk on his face. Almost like he caught someone in a lie.

"No it sounded like he said.. um.. gabe. Yeah. He probably thought his friend gabe was here" I said trying my best to cover it up.

"Jack doesn't have a friend name gabe" Daniel said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"You don't know that" I said before sprinting up the stairs to go check the couple.


"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?" I scream whispered to jack.

"Why? What's wrong?" Jack said with his tired eyes still visible.

"The boys are here and you just yelled babe throughout the house. That's what's wrong" I said crossin my arms over my chest.

"Ah shit" jack said under his voice.

"you better pray to Jesus that they didn't hear you because I'm going to kill you if they find out because you slipped up" dang why am I so cranky.

"I'm sorry Zach. I totally forgot that they lived here too. It won't happen again" he said extending his arms out for a hug.

I walked over to him and laid back in the bed with him and I cuddled into him side.

"I should go back to the kitchen. The boys think you're sick and sleeping and I only can go check on you" I said as he just groaned in response and pulled me closer into his chest.

I was about to start to fall asleep again until I heard the door swing open. I jumped out of my skin and jack practically pushed me causing me to fall out of his bed as well.

"Chill out. It's just me" the boy walked into our room causing me to sign in relief knowing it was jonah.

"But I do have news" Jonah said, I nodded my head for him to continue "I think Daniels on to you two"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked for both of us.

"Well I think he knows. And the fact that you yelled out babe throughout the house didn't help" Jonah said as I truenes to jack and gave him a stern look. He just mouthed the words 'sorry'.

"Ok well I'll think of something. But deny any accusation if he asks" jack said to Jonah before I walked out of the room with him.

"Ok well goodnight jack" Jonah said before I said my goodnight and closed the door

What are we going to do


Ho hooooo. Check me outttttt. Updating on schedule. I'm actually really proud of myself. Prouder than I should be 😂. But anywayyyy don't you love drama because I dooooo plus what's with Zach falling out of beds smh. I should be able to update on time for Thursday if not double update on Saturday. Bye my lovelies.

Word count: 1216

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