Part 7: party lust

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The sound of a door opening woke me up but I didn't want to open my eyes. I hear someone say hi then immediately someone else shushed them. I was guessing that was jack.  They all walked in as I heard footsteps getting closer to us.
"Aweeee look how cute they are" what sound like corbyn.
"Guys, do you ever wonder if they like each other more than just friend" of course Daniel had to say that. Literally no one else would expect him.
"No they've always been close" I could tell that was Jonah from him husky low voice.
"Yeah but they've been a lot closer recently do you think" Daniel emphasizing the word 'closer'.
"I mean I guess but if something was going on don't you think they would tell us" by the way they were talking literally right in front of up I made a conclusion that jack was asleep as well. look I know what I was doing was bad but I just couldn't help myself. And plus if someone's talking about me I have the right to know. Right?
"Well. I mean I guess. But still" Daniel said.
"It's just brotherly love" oh it's a lot more than that jonah. I started to move so I could warn them to stop talking before I open my eyes.
"Watcha guys doing" I said as I look at all three in front of me and jack.
"Nothing. We just got" corbyn replied.
"Ok well goodnight"and I closed my eyes again as I snuggled closer to jack. I heard a few coos from the boys before they all went upstairs to their rooms.
"You still awake?" Jack said.
"Were you listening to what they were saying before I woke up?" I pretended I wasn't awake the whole time.
"Oh. Um no" he's lying. He did the thing again. Jack has a tendency to double blink when he lies. I know because one time he was lying about breaking a pan that I WATCHED HIM BREAK. So I know. But I just let him get away with it.
"Oh ok. Um going to go to sleep" i waited to see if he wanted me to stay or not.
"Oh ok. Well goodnight" he said as he stood up. 
"Night" I said as I walked up to my room and got in my bed. That night I was scared. I didn't feel safe.

~next morning~

I walk down stairs to see everyone awake.
"Hey guys. What's up?" I ask no one in general.
"Nothing. You know it's 11:48 right?" Oh crap I slept in.
"Um yeah. Duh" I just noticed zach looking at me with this sort of fear. Like he was scared of something or someone. I just brushed it off hoping he'd be fine.
"Did you know we had a party today?" Jonah asked.
"Obviously not. What time and where?" I asked.
"It's at Logan's house. It's his new house warming party at 5:30" Daniel answers.
"Oh. Are we all going"
"Well obviously. We kinda have to. It's Logan" corbyn said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"Ok. Well I'm going to be upstairs if anyone needs me" I said as I headed upstairs. I wonder why zachs not talking to me.

~time skip to party time~

i don't know why i feel so hurt that jack didn't want me to sleep with him. I guess it's whatever. But every time I space out my thought always lead me back to jack. I needed to stop.
"Ok everyone behave. Go say hi to Logan then you can do whatever you want" Jonah said. You could tell the mom side is out tonight.
We greeted everyone and thank Logan for the invite. I was just outside sitting by the gym. The whole dancing part was in the grass so I wasn't that far. But far enough to be in my own thoughts. I should really go and talk to jack. Maybe he didn't think anything of it that's why he let me go.
I finally found the courage to go and talk to jack. I couldn't fine him so I walked over to Jonah and asked him if he's seen jack.
"Um yeah. He was by the snacks, talking to someone" what did he mean by someone.
"Ok thanks" i started walking into the house and into the kitchen. As I walked to him I see who he was talking to. A girl.
I mean. How could I be so stupid to think maybe he had feelings for me. Like I'm a complete idiot.
I walk out of the kitchen and the bar was at the corner of the pool.
"hey zach" Logan approached me with a slight lisp and lazy eyes. He was drunk.
"Hey Logan. What's up?"
"You enjoying yourself?" I smelled the alcohol and I didn't know if it was coming from his breath or from his actual drink.
"Yeah. It's a great party" I said shouting over the music.
"Here. Have a drink" he raised it up to my face.
"Logan. I'm sixteen" I said stating that I'm not allowed to drink.
"It's a party. Loosen up a bit" he said refusing to take no for an answer.
I contemplate taking the drink for a moment. I mean. I'll do whatever it takes to stop thinking about jack for at least a while.
"Ok fine" i take it out of his hands and raise it to my lips. I take a sip and it takes like sins but it's treating me better than the thoughts of jack.
"There you go" we're Logan's last words before disappearing into the sea of people dancing.
After one drink came the next and the next and the next thing I knew I was on my fifth drink.

I was starting to get really bored and tired of talking to this girl that was obviously trying to flirt with me. I told her I wasn't interested in her multiple times but she kept pushing herself onto me.
"I have to go find my friends excuse me" I didn't even wait for her response. I just walked away looking for any of my band mate, preferably zach. After a while and a half I found someone.
"Hey corbyn have you seen zach" I just decided to look for zach seeing as though I'd have the most fun with him.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure he was dancing over there" he points to the inside of the house.
"Ok thanks bud" with that I walked into the house.
The moment I got into the house my eyes landed on jack and my heart sunk.
I see zach with his lips attached to someone random dudes. And I didn't know how to feel at the moment. I was emotionless

Thats supposed to be me


What's with Zach and jack kissing other people and not each other. Gosh smh anywaysssss I was able to update today. Yay. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and excuse the mistakes bc I had so many distractions and I had to pause the writing so many times. Byeeeeeeeeeeee

Word count: 1204

Addicted to You :: Jachary Havery Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora