Got you

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4  hours later...

Amina's POV

Around 8 or 9 at night, I decided to make dinner. I got up and there was a knock on the door.
     "Who is it?" I yelled. Nobody answered. I said it again. "Who is it?" No response. I walk downstairs to the door and opened it. I saw Karl with a devilish grin on his face. Before I could close the door, he swung it open and grabbed me by my hair.
       "AUGUST HELP ME!" Aug came downstairs but it was too late. Karl drug me outside and put a cloth over my nose and mouth. All I saw was black.
   August Alsina POV

FUCK! He got Amina. I gotta get ode, chris, sneak, leak and my other two friends Lucas and fredo. I was texting them in a group chat.
      "Yo, this dude named Karl got my queen."
       "Oh hell naw! Imma beat his ass, nobody messes with my sister!"
      "Oh he fucked up now, he messin with future sister in law!"
     "Meet me by our spot, NOW." They responded and I put a shirt on and hopped into my car. Time to get my queen.

Amina's POV

     I woke up with a throbbing headache in a basement, that had 2 girls on a operation table dead, which made the room stink. I was chained to a wall with a doll outfit on. Just then, Karl walked in.
    "I told you to watch your back princess. I knew exactly where you were because I'm friendswith your landlord Hanna." That bitch.
     "What do you want from me Karl. You took my innocence away from me! Isn't that enough for you!" I started crying uncontrollably.
      "Well I didn't exactly. I realized that your hymen didn't stretch or tear. So I kidnapped you so I can rape you."
     "Wouldn't be surprised if it didn't tear or stretch cuz you got a little dick." He slapped me across my face.
        "Don't you dare talk to your owner like that!"
       "You don't own me." With that he injected me with something and I passed out.


Keep on reading😈
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