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(You don't have to read the bolded, it's just some slight foreshadowing so you can see what the story might be like. And also, you won't see Dark until the next chapter, and also, it won't get exciting until chapter 6... I think. I don't know. I just wanna say before you start reading this story. My goal was to have (Y/N) Have conversations with other demons, some chapters you might even choose what happens next my going to a different chapter depending on who you choose :))

A groan formed in the back of my throat as I opened my sore eyes. They stung, stung more than they should as I was forcing them open. Of course, I was having trouble since my eyes were practically swollen at this point. I moved my head slightly. Feeling the traces of my dry tears pull at the skin on my cheeks.

I wanted to bite my lip to distract my mind from focusing on the pain pounding in my head, but I couldn't, not with this duct tape keeping my lips together. I was awake enough now even with this pounding, and my eyes have adjusted to the dark so I could scan my surroundings. The cold concrete ground of a basement surrounded me with dirt and mold along the lines connecting the wall and floor, cobwebs in almost every corner that my eyes grazed. I should scream, I should shout and kick even though my wrist and ankles are bound to the chair I'm currently sitting in, I should have panic running through me. I don't.

The only thing that's in my mind is him. The thought of him holding me and placing a kiss on my forehead, him cradling me whenever I felt down and even as a demon he showed much care and pity. I looked down at the ground to see the small drops of blood scattered. 

Yeah, a demon. I should've never trusted a thing like that... I should've known he was only using me, it should've been obvious. But, just the way his red eyes somehow lit up when he made eye contact with me, or how his black and red gradient hair flopped in his face when he would smile.

Was that smile even real? His laugh was deep and soothing, even for a demon it sounded comforting and kind. I tried to not let myself blush as I thought about how he would bite his lip if I did something flirty or his sly, sexy smirk would twist onto his face whenever he wanted to be playful. I wriggled my hand, hoping that some way the bind would magically come loose. I couldn't even pry it from the tightness that he did to the rope. I let more tears fall at the pain of my head getting worse as I watch my wrist start to bleed from how much the rope dug into my skin.

"No~ Don't cry~." I heard his deep voice speak softly in front of me. It sounded sincere, not teasing like normal demons would. I looked up at him, wanting to force a smile at the sound of his voice. I already knew what he was going to do... his silhouette was blurred and mixed with the water on my eye line. I scrunched my eyes so that the tears would fall and I could see him more clearly.

He crouched down in front of me and slightly rested one hand on my cheek, making me look at him. His face pained and worried. He softly grabbed the corner of the tape and pulled it off, obviously being careful not to hurt me. I just looked at him with my eyes filling up again and I held back my crying whines since I don't wanna start hyperventilating. He caressed his thumb softly against my cheek, pushing the tear away before leaning up and softly giving me a four-second kiss. He leaned his face to my ear, his breath tickling down my neck.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I wanted to say 'I love you' but after his words, I felt the cold metal pressed against my neck. The blade pierced my skin and slid across my throat. I wanted to scream but it came out as gurgles as blood soon rises into my mouth and I couldn't help but let it slip out of the corners of my lips. I watched in horror and pain as the red, sticky, liquid poured gushed out of my neck and some dripping from my chin. I forced my head to look up at him. He stared back down at me, his eyes soft, full of sympathy like he was about to cry as he continued to watch me. I brought my head back down and stared at the small puddle of blood forming and thinking of the burning pain that was shooting through my body. I tightened my eyes, waiting for death.

"I love you, (y/n)." Was all Dark said before I went numb and my vision went black.


I pulled off my hoodie then glanced around my room. It was a mess. College papers scattered, random clothes on the floor, things that I dropped but never picked back up because I needed to get somewhere. I sat on my messy bed with blankets hanging off the edge, pillows with the cases halfway on them and etc. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep, but that's not the best idea after I just did my afternoon jog, besides, it'll also ruin my sleeping schedule. I glanced at the clock, it was only 6. Fuck. That means I have plenty of time to be doing my homework, and I don't wanna do that right now.

But I should... Nah. I stood up and strolled my way to the kitchen, my roommate wasn't here so I'm curious to what trouble she's gotten into this time. Observing the kitchen while holding my head in my hands, I noticed an empty ice cream container on the kitchen counter with a couple of tissues. Another breakup... Great. I shook my head to myself before checking the fridge for anything to snack on. Nothing, great. I slammed the door slightly before the kitchen lights went off.

The sudden darkness startled me, causing me to swing my arm and knock over the tissue box. I pushed my arms out in the dark looking for the wall along with the light switch, having troubles along the way as I eventually found it after smashing my hip into the corner of the table. I flicked the light switch only for nothing to happen. It burned out. Fucking great. Letting my hands guide me, I made it out of the kitchen after smashing into a couple more things. I finally made it to my coat rack and pulled on a jacket before walking out. I can just walk to the store, not that far from here actually. Only a few blocks. I sighed and watched my breath become a small cloud before walking my way to the store.


Eh, this is a bit boring. But you can get story from this, so~ That works.

Song I'm listening to while writing this: A bunch of Halsey and thousand foot krunch

Why do I love you? (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now