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I felt like I was ready to cough out a lung at the force of each time my stomach squeezed. My first reaction was to hide my face in whatever really warm material was beside me. I coughed into it, wishing for everything to just end. Who saved me? Why? Why did they just have to walk in at that current moment? Two arms cradle me on the floor before gently pulling the sheet off my neck. My neck tingles and stung, but my lungs felt like they were on fire.

The coughing ceased after a much painful moment of me burying my face into the neck of the one who saved me from my own choice. I gripped onto them desperately, finally feeling the burning in my chest change from painful lack of oxygen, to my whole chest squeezing as my cheeks raised in temperature and hot tears poured off of my eye line.

Coughing turned into sobbing, small drops of salty, hot, water came down, more and more than they have in months. Tears not seeming to have a stopping point as they all fell and soaked into the fabric of who ever's shirt I was attached too. Whoever was holding me, began softly rubbing my back while rocking slightly and gently humming.

I instantly thought this was Dark, thinking of the night of my nightmare when he first comforted me. But whoever this was, had a different melody he was humming, his rocking was more gentle and he leaned back slightly as my body was pressed against theirs, obviously knowing that this was a much more comfortable position.

I opened my eyes, them coming out as tiny little slits that burned from the tears. Other than the fact that the light blinded me instantly, my eyes kept their gaze on the gun that laid on the floor, now noticing that the rope didn't rip or anything of the sorts, the rope was shot.

I smiled softly, recognizing the gun as Will's, then looking at the yellow button up I was leaned against and the black fluffy hair confirmed who I was being held by. The sobs finally turned into small sniffles as I kept my gaze on his neck before closing my eyes, hoping for sleep.

"(Y/N)." Will finally said, his humming and rocking stopped. I didn't say anything, I just nuzzled more into his neck. "... Why would you do that?" he asked, barely above a whisper. It sounded quivery. I clenched more onto his shirt, knowing that my knuckles must be white. "(Y/N)?" He asked. His voice was so soft and gentle. I hated it.

"Poison." I mumbled. Will moved my arms from around him and placed them in my lap.

"What about her?"

"I die, she dies." I answered, keeping my voice low because of it's still quivering tone.

"We got the Poison thing covered, it's not something to worry about." He said, pulling me closer. Not something to worry about? It's the thing that EVERYONE is depending on me for.

"Not something to worry about?" I snapped, leaning away from him. His expression seemed a bit shocked from my sudden anger. "I'm the Savior, correct? The whole reason I was brought here was to die! And now you don't want me dead!?"

"No, we don't! We care about you, understand that." Will said. I pushed myself away from him, a growl low in my throat.

"Who do you care about more? The demons of this mansion, or me?!" I yelled, now standing up and glaring down at him. Will stood up and looked at me, worryment filling his eyes.

"There's another way. I promise."

"Name one!" I growled. He stopped, his facing showing strong guilt.

"I-I don't know. But I-I know there is one!" Will said.

"No there isn't! Stop having so much hope! Stop thinking that everything will get better! Like this is some kind of fanfiction where everything ends all fine and dandy!" I growled. Will, still keeping his calm but yet worried expression bit his lip slightly while clenching his fist.

"I know there's another way." He said with slight uncertainty. Finally, I had enough, Crouching down, I picked up the sheet and shoved it in his face.

"If you wouldn't have saved me, we wouldn't be having this conversation and the mansion would be free of worries!"

He pushed my arm away and took steps closer, causing me to walk backward.

"Free of worries? Free of worries?! Us demons are scared every day because of humans! You know, I hated humans until I met you and I thought it was possible to give you mortals another chance of my trust!"

My back was now pressed against the wall. Will placed a hand beside my head and gave me a deathly glare as he continued.

"But it looks like humans never change! You guys never see the bigger picture! You see one thing and you take it, completely ignoring everything else with your strong ignorance and selfishness!"

I sank down, knowing that my face showing fear. I'm not going to deny, I was terrified. I was trapped by the one guy who's always been there for me since I've reached the mansion. He analyzed my reaction before sighing, seeming to let all his Anger go back to beneath the surface. The back of his hand gently found my cheek as it slid down it, his features changing to worriment again.

"Humans always scare us demons. But no human has scared me like you just did." He said, his hand fell on my shoulder. His eyes prickled with tears and it was obvious he was trying to conceal them from releasing from his eye line. Seeing him like this, instantly broke my heart. I wrapped my arms around his neck, where he needily wrapped his arms around my torso and smashed my chest against his.

"I'm sorry." I said into his neck.

"Just, please... Never scare me like that again. We'll figure something out... Together."

"... Thank you, William."

"I'm here, (Y/N), and I'm not leaving."

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