You choose to hang out with Burnt

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I smiled to myself before letting my hand write out 'Burnt' at the end of the sentence then pulling the sticky note off and placing it on his pillow. I walked out of the room, being sure to shut the door behind me. Then, strolled my way through the corridors, saying hi to passing demons and keeping an eye out for the familiar doors of the theater. I eventually found the kitchen and smiled greatly to myself, thinking about how I haven't eaten in close to 3 full days. I sneaked in, wondering if I'd get in trouble for being in the kitchen. I grabbed the closest food to me and quickly ran out. It was an apple. A perfect one in fact, perfectly red, not a single soft spot in it. Made me worried that it might have a curse in it or something of the kind. I inhaled before taking a bite anyways, thinking about how hungry I've been. The apple tasted normal, just much sweeter. Nothing like any other apple I've eaten. I strolled more around until I eventually found myself at the doors of the auditorium. I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open before sliding in.

"Hey, love." Said that familiar silky voice. I turned to see Burnt standing there with a few boxes in her hands, causing her to lean back. I reached up, grabbed a box and smiled.

"Hey, need help?" I asked. She smiled and pushed the boxes up with her knee.

"I actually need a lot of help, do you mind?" She asked.

"No, not at all. I actually came here to hang out and I can see helping you as that." I replied. She grinned before starting to walk again.

"We can hang out with some small task. I actually haven't hung out with anyone for a bit." She said, a bit sadly at the last part.

"Why not?" I asked, my fingers starting to hurt from the weight of the box. Damn, what's in here?

"I'm just always working. The only time I can usually hang out with someone is for maybe an hour in the art room or when I'm doing a really small task." She said with a saddening sigh. I watched as she sat the box down on the floor behind the stage's curtain. It was lit by spotlights from the ceiling, the red curtain swayed slightly as we walked by it. I sat the box currently in my hands on top of Burnt's. Once she mentioned the art room I thought about how that's where Glitch spends her time. A smile came to my face as my dream also flashed into my mind.

"Glitch runs the art room, right?" I asked. She nodded as she grabbed two buckets, one in each hand and started walking with the buckets hitting her legs as she walked. Now I realize that we're the only ones here. "You guys seem really close." I commented as I grabbed the other two buckets on the floor and followed her.

"Yeah, I guess you can say we're close." She said with a shrug.

"I just noticed from when I first met you, you started talking about Glitch and even recognized her own prank." I said with a smirk. She turned and looked at me, catching on what I'm getting at.

"She's just one of those people that has a strong and unique personality." She replied as she sat the buckets by a stack of empty cardboard boxes, which I soon followed.

"Are you sure that's it?" I asked. She snapped up and placed her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I don't know, just seems there's a stronger feeling than that." I said with a shrug. She pressed her thumb against her lip and thought deeply before her pale cheeks went to a slight red.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked as she sat on her knees and grabbed a paint bucket wedge.

"No, I'm just good at seeing these things." I lied as pictures of my dream slid across my mind. She popped open the paint bucket with a grunt before grabbing the next bucket.

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